Chapter 14: The Fourth Champion

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Hogwarts that evening was positively buzzing with excitement in anticipation of the Triwizard Champion selection .

All the students were gathered in the great hall , all the Gryffindors chatting excitedly amongst themselves , except of course for Ginny and the Trio, who were all listening to Calyssas promised explanation of the dream proceedings the night before .

"Ok so here it goes , you all know I'm a Legilmens , but Ginny , I hadn't told you that I also have some other powers ."

"What do you mean by other powers ?"

"She can control people's minds ." Said Ron , munching on some dinner

"What ?!"

"Yes he's right , I can do that when I want to , but I rarely do . I can also slip into other peoples conscious' , when their emotions are strong and I'm close to them , that also works in dreams , which is why I was there in you're dream last night Harry , and why you woke up in the middle of the night ."

"Then why was I there ?"Said Ginny

"WHAT ?" Said Harry and Calyssa together , both equally shocked .

"She was there ?"

"Oh no , I should have remembered." Said Calyssa

"Remembered what ?"

"I called out you're name Ginny , that's why you came into Harry's dream , I kinda accidentally summoned you there ."

"So you saw .... everything .."Said Harry

"Um , yeah ."replied Ginny

"It's ok we don't have to talk about it , actually it's better not to -"

"No Harry please can we just talk now ?"


Then as if on cue , Dumbledore began to speak .

"Welcome Students and guests , I trust you've enjoyed dinner . Now , it is time to announce our three Triwizard champions."

"Here it goes I guess." Said Calyssa

"First , the Beauxbattons champion ..." he said , as a pretty folded decorative paper flew out of the goblet and unto his hand .

"Miss Fluer Delacoeur !"

After her name was called there was a trifle Of girlish giggles from the Ravenclaw table where the Beauxbattons students were seated . Calyssa recognized Camille's high pitched energetic squeals almost immediately, than looked over to the table to see Camille and Daphne hugging Fluer along with all the other girls . Fluer than swiftly walked to the front of the hall.

"And now , the Durmstrang Champion , Viktor Krum !"Dumbledore announced , a crumpled up firey paper landing in his palm .

An uproar of hardy cheers could then be heard from the Durmstrang students clapping Krum on the back as he walked forward .

"Finally , the Hogwarts champion ..." As Dumbledore spoke , all the Hogwarts students looked around nervously, hoping it was their house who would have a champion

"Mister Cedric Diggory !"

"YEAAAAH!" Yelled the Hufflepuffs collectively , Cheering as Cedric hopped up from his seat and walked to join the others excitedly.

"Who's that ?"Asked Calyssa

"Cedric ? His father works for the Ministry, we traveled to the quidditch World Cup with them this summer ." Said Hermione .

"Oh ok . Looks a bit like a Shovel face to me ...."

"What's a shovel face ?"

"Now! We have our three, Triwizard Champions-"
Said Dumbledore, interrupted by the goblet glowing once more . Then , to the shock of all the hall ,a fourth piece of paper flew from the Goblet , Dumbledore walked cautiously back to catch it . When he did , he eyed it with confusion and astonishinment . Calyssa couldn't help but read his mind

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now