Chapter 15 : Project Ginny

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The following morning Harry was met with Several whispers and stares from Slytherins Hufflepuffs , and even some Gryffindors , which included Ron Seamus and Dean . He never thought his own friends would turn on him . All of them had begun wearing these awful buttons which flashed back and forth between "Potter Stinks" and "Support Cedric Diggory". This only worsened his mood

He ate breakfast with Hermione, Calyssa and Ginny , who he was still trying to figure out his feelings towards . Harry liked spending time with the girls , Hermione was always a great friend , Ginny was nice and supportive and Calyssa was hilarious and loads of fun to be around , but Harry missed his best mate .

Ron has given him dirty looks from his seat at the table with Seamus and Dean , and Harry couldn't stand it .

"Does he really think I did it on purpose?"

"I don't know Harry I think he's just a bit hurt ."Said Hermione

"Hurt ? What'd I do to hurt him ?"

"Well he's so used to you getting all the attention and now you're getting even more attention so -"Said Calyssa

"But I don't want it ! I don't want any of it !"

"Harry calm down . Please . I know my brothers being a git right now but he'll get over himself ."Said Ginny

"Ok ."

When breakfast finished they headed to their classes , taking a shortcut through the courtyard, which Harry immediately regretted as soon as he saw one Draco Malfoy sitting in a tree obnoxiously.

"Why so tense Potter?"He Yelled out

"My father and I have a bet you see , I don't think you'll last ten minutes in this Tournament , he disagrees.He says you won't last five" . He said jumping down , Crabbe and Goyle joining him in horrid laughter.

"I don't give a damn what you and you're stupid father think ! He's Vile and Cruel and you lot are pathetic!"Harry exclaimed, causing Hermione to gain a worried look on her face .

"What was that Potter ?Pathetic Eh?" He said , jumping off the tree.

"Ok calm down there emo Barbie ." Said Calyssa, to which Ginny and a few passers by sniggered a bit .

"What does that even mean ? Whatever , your insults don't phase me you stupid American ."

"Oh you wanna go Malfoy ? Is that it ? If so, I'll be very glad to introduce you to some "stupid" American 5th year jinxes ."

"Lyss , Harry come on he's not worth it,"said Ginny , pulling them forward to the other side of the courtyard.

"Pfft . Empty threats from a dumb girl? Do you really need her to defend you Potter ? I'll show you some real Jinxes -" he said raising his wand to jinx an already walking Harry ,only to be interrupted by none other than Mad eye Moody

"Not on my watch sonny !" He said , hitting Malfoy with a spell that turned him into a white ferret . Causing Harry , Calyssa , and Ginny as well as the rest of the students watching to begin laughing rather loudly . Professor Moody , as Calyssa has found over the course of the year was quite hard to read , rather guarded , but what else could you expect from an ex auror right ? Hermione and Ron detested his non conventional teaching methods while Calyssa found them rather interesting and Harry hadn't quite made up his mine about him yet .

"How dare you jinx someone when their back is turned !"

He continued to levitate Ferret Malfoy in the air with his wand as Crabbe and Goyle watched , scared and confused .

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now