Chapter 16: Preparing

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After Calyssa Hermione and Ron left her room to go looking for Harry, Ginny once again sat in her room feeling left out. It wasn't like she hadn't felt this way before, but recently she'd started spending a lot more time around the Trio, she'd almost felt like... one of them, and Calyssa was definitely helping.

She had even gotten pretty close with Harry.
Throughout the lengthy duration of his fight with Ron, Ginny had been there to console Harry and give him advice on how to deal with her git of a brother( a matter on which she had extensive knowledge)
They had almost gotten past the whole weird dream experience, and though Ginny did want to talk about it with him, the whole Tournament thing sort of got in the way.

Nonetheless, Ginny was glad with the progress she had made, and was extremely excited to wear all the new clothes Calyssa had given her. As Ginny walked up to the mirror in her dorm, admiring her clothes, she finally felt as if she had something of her own, something that hadn't belonged to 6 boys before her. Calyssa and Hermione had been so happy for her as well, but Ron, well he wasn't so too pleased.She thought over Ron's reaction to her new style, and decided she was sick of being treated like the baby of the family, and that it was time she finally had something that was just hers.

So, Ginny decided to step out into the common room and see what everyone else thought of her new look.

As she did, the results were, well great! All her third year friends crowded around her saying all sorts of things

"Where did you get those clothes?"

"You look Fantastic!"

"Gin you look well fit!"

A good friend of hers, Charlotte Evanston, walked through the crowd to praise her even more

"Ginny you look beautiful, it was about time you started wearing clothes you picked out on your own."

"Thanks Char, Calyssa helped me choose them though, she's great with clothes."

"I can see that." Charlotte Said smiling

After speaking with her friends, Ginny walked around the common room with Charlotte for a few minutes talking, until someone else came up to her."

"Looking good Weasley, nice jacket." Said Dean Thomas, a handsome fourth year . Ginny wasn't used to getting complimented so often, so naturally she was a bit flustered.

"Oh eh, thanks Dean."

"No problem, you still thinking of trying out for Quidditch next year?"

"Um yeah that's the plan."

"Well I'm glad. The team needs some more talented chasers, and pretty girls."

"Haha thanks."

Just then she spotted a very annoyed looking Ron walking through the portrait hole with Hermione and Calyssa.

"Ginny? What the bloody hell are you doing I told you to stay in your dorm!"

"Calm down Ron you're not her dad." Said Calyssa calmly.

"Yes Ron you're being rather unreasonable." Added Hermione

"But she's- but i - Fred, George help me out here!" He motioned to the twins sitting at a nearby table bent over a box of miscellaneous objects

"Ahh Ron, didn't see you there,"said Fred

"We're busy working on some new products" continued George

"But that doesn't mean we weren't eavesdropping"

"Leave our sister alone why don't you,"

"We see no problem with her going out and getting a life of her own."

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now