Chapter 3: A New Home

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"Right this way Miss McAllister,"said McGonagall as she lead Calyssa down a long narrow corridor and up a spiraling staircase to finally, arrive at a portrait of a fat lady sleeping on a chair .

"Excuse me ." McGonagal said while lightly tapping the portrait

"Ehh? Who said that ? I'm sleeping !" Said the fat lady

"Excuse me Ms. , if you would just wake up and let this young lady in the common room then we'd be ever so grateful ."

"Oh all right then , password please ?" The Fat Lady said groggily .

"Balderdash ." Said McGonagall .

"Go on then ."

As Calyssa entered the common room
She thought to herself , for the first time in a while ,maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all .

The common room was a well sized  stone room covered in the Gryffindor House crest , adorned with red and gold curtains , and a plethora of comfortable looking chairs ,along with several window seats that she thought looked just like the ones in her dorm back at Ilvermorny.

"Up those stairs , and to your right Miss McAllister." Said McGonagall

"You should find a room labeled "4th years ".

"Okay , thanks for the help professor !" She called .

"Anytime Miss McAllister, anytime ." Said McGonagall as she left the common room and departed for her office .

"I guess this is our new home now Artemis ."
Calyssa said, a bit unsure of herself .

Then she ascended up the steps towards the boys dormitory , clutching a squirming Artemis in her left arm , while struggling to get her trunk up the steps , and after a while she finally got up to the door .

"Why did I pack so much again ?"she thought to herself as she set her trunk down momentarily to open the door .

As she turned the door knob , being especially cautious not to make too much noise so as to not wake the boys , she ran through all the possible scenarios of what would happen when she woke the following morning. And it was quite the battle with her conscious .

"What if they kick me out ?" She thought .

"Come on , that's stupid , you know that won't happen ." Her conscious replied .

"Then what if they play some prank on me when I'm asleep ?"

"I'm pretty sure they'd be too shocked to move ,let alone prank you if they woke up ".

"But what if they're all annoying pervs ?"

"They can't be any worse than Lachlan's friends ."

"Ehh , can't argue with that logic ".She admitted to herself.

"Okay here goes nothing , "

As she opened the door , she was surprised at how clean the room looked , it was all tidy and put together except for a small area of the room next to a bed in which a boy with shoulder length straggly red hair slept , which was littered with clothes ,candy wrappers , an empty box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans , and a half eaten stick of chicken .

"Wouldn't want to be sleeping next to that guy" .

And just as she thought that everything was going to be okay , Artemis seemed to think differently, as she wriggled out of Calyssa's arms and jumped on to the empty bed across from her , causing Calyssa to drop her trunk on the floor with a loud "thump!"

"Dammit Artemis !" She whisper-yelled to her cat as she braced herself for the worst possible outcome, but was surprised to be met by utter silence, except for the red headed boy snoring and tossing in his sheets a bit .

And with that she gave a final sigh of relief as she quickly changed into her pajamas ,(small white shorts and a quidditch T-shirt given to her by her older brother Lachlan ), set her trunk on the floor , and cautiously crawled into bed letting Artemis lay on her lap.

"Well Artemis , maybe we'll be alright after all ." She whispered before she dozed off to sleep .

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now