Chapter 12:Midnight in Gryffindor Tower

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"Phew ! What a day ." Said Calyssa , collapsing onto her bed after dinner .

"Goodness yes , with all those awful rumors about you and Harry circulating ."

"You know about it too ?"

"Everyone knows by now Calyssa."Said Lavender

"They were just rumors right ?" Asked Parvati

"Yes ! Oh my gosh , I can't believe people actually believe them !How could  everyone  listen to some gossiping Third years ?"

"Sorry Calyssa , rumors get spread rather quickly around here ." Said Isobel

"Yeah I can tell ....Goodnight guys ."

"Wait Calyssa !" Called out Lavender . "Is it true you got asked out by Adrian Arlington today ?"

"We'll talk about that in the morning ."

Several Goodnights Echoed across the room as the girls settled into their beds , and at long last , Calyssa  fell into the deep sleep she had been longing for all day .

In her dreams , Calyssa saw beautiful fields of grass and flowers , and a large tree with red leaves . Under the tree sat a beautiful girl in a white dress with long flowing red hair . It was Ginny ! Calyssa suddenly became lucid in her dream , and was aware she was dreaming. She started to walk towards Ginny until she saw another person already doing so . A tall boy with black hair , Harry .

This is weird . She thought , for most of her dreams hadn't included other people talking to each other and not her .

"Ginny !" She spoke in her dream calling out to her friend , but it was as if she couldn't hear her .

"It's true isn't it ? You snogged Calyssa in the common room yesterday !" Exclaimed Dream Ginny at Dream Harry

"No ! Ginny I swear it's not !"

"I like you Ginny ! Not her !"

"What ? You mean it ?"

"Of course . You're so beautiful Gin ."

Then , much to Calyssas horror the two started kissing ! Slowly at first then it sped up passionately and Ginny began to lean against the tree as Harry tangled his hands through her hair .

"I should NOT be watching this." Thought Calyssa .

Then it dawned on her . This wasn't her dream
It was Harry's !

Sometimes , she could slip into peoples dreams if they were sleeping in a relatively close proximity to her , and if the dream contained a particularly strong emotion .She would be an onlooker , and not he able to interact with people in the dream , unless she went into the dream deliberately in the first place .

Usually she was able to make sure she didn't slip into other peoples dreams , by forcing her mind to drift into her own dream , but she had been so tired from all the drama that day she'd forgotten .

While she had been off thinking , Dream Harry and Ginny were kissing even more , and beginning to fall to the ground .

"Ok I think it's about time for me to go ."She thought , willing herself to wake.

When Calyssa awoke , she looked around the room , which shone from the light streaming in from the moon . It must have been about midnight .

Then she remembered that causing herself to wake also must've awoke Harry .

"Oh well , it was getting kind of intense anyway " She thought . Though , She was happy that Harry and Ginny had finally gotten together , even if it was in dream form .

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now