Getting ready for the big day.

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I had been waiting for this day for a whole month!!, since Doug told me that he would have a big surprise for tomorrow; (We are celebrating our first year as a couple!), As much as I insisted, I tried to convince myself in thousands of ways (seriously... thousands) of telling me what he had planned, he ignored me and just told me; With an adorable smile (*put my blush here*) that would be unforgettable and formal dress, but... not so much.

Coming from an island; In which I was locked in a cave with my mother for 10 years (thanks Malsy); Every feeling, emotion, new experience is... exciting for me; I know, a little immature.

Sometimes it bothers me; As at this time.

I was in our room, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow. I had, my outfit ready with accessories included (which were ready for weeks) and an anniversary gift for my Dougie. I had a face of happiness worse than Bella's when she discovered a new book to read.

Mal tells me from her bed that I look like a little girl with a new toy, ... I look at her with narrowed eyes and then raise an eyebrow (seriously, Mal) and... she says

M: Already ok, okay, I get it, sorry. - And continue drawing.

Suddenly we see a bee come in...

M: Hey E!!; why your nerd boyfriend is so... exaggerated and mellow!! ("Look who says it!" I thought), don't you think that filling our flower room for each day you guys have been together is an exaggeration?. This will become a honeycomb if it doesn't stop!.

Look around looking at our room with 365 blue, red, yellow, and white roses; What Mal said was serious; One flower for each day together; A bit exaggerated;... but tender.

E: That's the way he is!. I replied to Mal. - but i think you're right, but do not blame him!; My Dougie is gentle and detailed, but he joins Ben and HE is worse and you know it... and don't tell him nerd!

M: Oh, it's true, being a child of Belle gives him an imagination for these things; I still don't get used to it... but I want it. - she said lowering her voice, looking away and blushing a little.

E: aww, you're beating your charm, haha.

M: Shut up Evelyn! - she throw her pillow, which half in my face... Haha

E: Ahh Calm down Malbertha! - I'll throw mine to her.

And so began a war of pillows.

~ Meantime in ... somewhere else ~

There was a blond boy in glasses with a list in his hand, rectifying that everything was done. Tomorrow would be a special day and everything had to come out perfect. Another boy approaches him from behind and places his hand on his shoulder.

B: Hey Doug! All good?! - he said approaching to see the list he had in his hands.

D: Oh!, Hi Ben!, yes!, it seems that everything is ready,... I still can't believe that tomorrow is my first anniversary with Evs. Thanks for the help! - he said with a silly smile of happiness.

B: hehe, you're welcome, that's what the brothers do!, You've always helped and advised me since we were kids, it was my turn to help you with something, and more if it's so important to you - he said with his characteristic smile and aslap on the back.

At that moment Carlos and Jay arrive, who had also helped in the preparations for the Devie anniversary.

C: Hello Ben!, All ready Doug. We already did what you asked. - said the younger boy.

D: Thank you guys, Everything is done!. - he said looking for the last time at the list

B: Hey... and you already have the main surprise ready?. - he said raising his eyebrows.

D: Yes, and my dad gives it to me this week.

B: Then, you are completely ready and sure.

D: Completely!, I had never been more sure of a decision - he said with a confident smile, his eyes glittered with emotion.

J: Doug, - he said seriously. Evs is like a sister to us; As well as Mal;... so, you better never make her suffer more than what already happened on the island or you will see it with me, is it clear?. - He said giving him a little warning.

C: Yes, spending your childhood and part adolescence alone shouldn't have been anything pleasant, Evs is the best person I know from the island and she has 2 brothers who protect her, you know.

D: Don't worry guys, from the misunderstanding we had with my family and Snow the day I officially present it as my girlfriend; everything is solved. And I promise that my princess will never been sad again, never. - he said seriously.

C: Ok, everything cleared up,... this became uncomfortable,... Let's play video games? - He suggested.

All: Yes!!

J: Let the date begin... tomorrow; meanwhile... I'm going to win them all - he said with his confident smile.

C: Ha!, Or not, how many times have I won?!

B and D: Well, well, we'll see about that. We have more experience than you... Everyone looked at each other and ran to the video game room.



My first 900 words written for a Devie story; I am happy! Wii.

The cute thing is coming!!... Although, this story will be very... will give you all diabetic coma; or I hope so💕.

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