Would you...

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I will begin this chapter by saying:... it will be interactive; Below are the instructions xD; Take your time to read and... do well what I have planned...

D: Evs, I know we're on our date; But my family; Well, my cousins ​​wanted to show us something they are rehearsing for next week's preparatory competition; That's why my mother called me; They want us to go tonight... You want to came with me for a while to watch what they are about?

E: Sure, no problem, I haven't seen the family for a while;... come on! - He extended his hand, I took it and we interlaced our fingers and began to walk to another clearing of the forest a little farther away; Meanwhile he was making jokes and making me laugh like never before.

We arrived at the clearing where all the family of Doug was reunited; And when I say all is all (14 adults and their descenders; 19 young people between 12 and 26). In the background a large bonfire and again all dimly lit by hanging lights on all sides. All members of the family spoke at the same time and yet everyone understood everything.

When they realized our presence they were silent just to start talking again but now directed towards us. We started greeting each other and we were separated when some of Doug's cousins ​​(the elders) caught him between them to give him a strong squeeze and start to "annoy" him affectionately to tell him how "handsome" he looked, who was very elegant, As we were going on our date and a lot of other comments, meanwhile I was caught by the girls asking similar questions, and we lost sight of for a few moments. I saw Doug's parents grinning as they looked at us and I approached them smiling at them gratefully. We hugged all three at the same time and they took me one hand each.

M.D (Mom of Doug): Darling!, how are you?, we haven't seen each other for a while.

(I don't know what's the name of Doug's mother, so let's just say Evs says her Momof affection xD).

E: Very well Mom, happy. Doug told me that you made dinner; Thank you. It was magnificent.

M: It was nothing sweet, - she said shaking her hand from top to bottom relegating importance - only the best for my childrens - and gives me a kiss on the cheek and another hug.

Dop: How is our son treating you today, huh? - He said raising an eyebrow.

E: You have educated a complete gentleman; Doug is... a prince, My prince. - the three of us laughed at the little sigh that came at the thought of the beautiful night we were passing and I blushed a little.

Dop: I'm glad, dear... I let you talk for a moment alone, I'll be right back.-  He gave me a hand grip and walked away.

We kept talking to Mom about the details of that day and she couldn't be more proud of her son, just like me.

~*Doug * ~

When my cousins ​​let go of me, moving away from the group of girls and for obvious reasons of Evie, they began to whisper.

Henrry (Son of Happy): Ready cousin, everything is ready! - He said excitedly.

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