Time with friends; Announcing the good news.

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The next morning, Mal and I headed to the cafeteria, holding hands, (something already totally normal for us).

After spending the whole afternoon talking about our ... "ideal wedding", buy a gift for our fiancés; Happy with life and other issues, ... adults (as we have changed not?), ... we fell asleep.

When we entered the cafeteria, we looked around the table where we always met and the boys sat next to Jane and Lonnie; Doug was just his back to me, so ... look at Mal, I smiled mischievously, she released my hand, smiled back and let me go first.

I ran and pulled me in his back, "Hi Dougie!. - I said happily; ... but it didn't average the strength with which I went and Doug went forward; Instinctively he placed his hands on the table and let out a small groan of pain in his right hand. They all turned to look at us and immediately sent me to his side to apologize me.

E: oh!, I'm sorry honey!, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!, I'm sorry!, I'm sorry!- I said gently lifting his hand, his cheek and giving him a small kiss on his nose at the same time.

Awww- The girls said at the same time; The boys laughed

D: No problem; But has more caution next time princess. - said by touching my chin. - By the way,... I stayed waiting for you last night for dinner.

E: Oh!... I forgot!, I'm sorry; Again It's that we stayed up late talking to Mal and then we fell asleep. You forgive me?.

D: Okay, it's okay, I guessed it.

B: Hey, Evs... and M...?

Mal at that precise moment, she decided to copy the idea; Ben couldn't finish asking for her when his nose ended up buried in his pancakes.

The guys and a few seconds later everyone at the table was laughing to see the King of Auradon full of whipped cream and strawberry jam.

M: Sorry Beny,... - Mal said innocently.

B: You did it intensionally, didn't you?... - Ben know that look: Mal see him with a smile tilted and eyes narrowed;... Although he tried to look "serious" and at the same time sexy, let me tell you that his nose full of cream didn't help much, it looked funny.

Ch: Oh, God,... today you're pouring honey you four.

C: Hello,... We are here... - he said raising an eyebrow.

J: There are hardly any napkins... ~ Jay's thought ~ (an idea of ​​the only thing, the unique idea of..., think so of the two girls in his group didn't like it, were his sisters!, And he was overprotective.

He quickly handed the napkins to Mal to intercept them.

L and A: Let envy...

Jne: Really guys?!...

His girlfriends looked at them striped.

Ch, C, and J: Okay, sorry. (like Frozen Ana's face).

Ch: It was just a comment to distur...

They knew the humor and behavior of the girls when they got angry;... it was better to follow the current (dominated).

Mal barely glared at the boys but agreed to finish wiping her boyfriend's face with the napkins.

Jne: amm,... Changing theme; We know that you four are always twice as affectionate as any of us together... but, I notice something special in their looks. Do you have anything to tell us guys? - Jane said suspiciously,... I think the youngest of the group become more and more observant.

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