How do circumstances change at any time!

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I woke up confused looking at the stars... what happened?, I wondered. I realized I was in a bed, turn to the sides watching everything; It was Doug's room; I had already been a couple of times in this room every time we came to visit his family, but I have no idea howI had gotten there!!, the last thing I remembered was that we were on our anniversary date, Turned into a beautiful and unforgettable engagement.

After leaving Doug's family behind, we headed for the limo that would take us back to high school, we took a path that passes by the shore of the enchanted lake, we were holding hands looking at the stars that are reflected in the y Talking quietly, when a storm started, well, out of nowhere, it rained heavily. We were happy playing under the river of water that fell from the sky, literally; When something happened and ... I no longer remember.


I was in the kitchen preparing hot chocolate for Evs and for me while I was thinking about how everything can take an unexpected turn anytime!!.

A few hours ago I thought that nothing could go wrong after everything had been perfect... but the thoughts or circumstances change quickly and that's what happened in the blink of an eye. What happened... I will tell you...

EvieLOVED the rain (almost as much as me) (So humble the dwarf xD) and she became a little girl every time this phenomenon of nature towards act of presence. At that moment a great smile settled on his lips and even more happiness came to his beautiful brown eyes; She did not care about her hair, her makeup, or her clothes, she simply took off her shoes and with heels in hand began to run through the grass as if there was no tomorrow; yep, so happy makes her the rain.

And me as a fool in love that I am, I could only stand there to look at her, her happiness made me happy and soon a smile also settled on my face. Evs had "changed" much in the time she had in Auradon, and even more so in the year we were together, or... better to say that she had shown her true nature; Evs is an intelligent, talented, flirty, beautiful girl who now knows she has both physical and intellectual beauty and brings out her full potential. Besides that is a "little" naughty and I have stuck a lot that particularity of his way of being. We have made jokes to most of our acquaintances and friends, many times, without being discovered, and it has helped me to discover that being more open to people and enjoying life is great.

We have many plans once we graduate. We want to travel, to know, to venture into the world, but also to study; And in that we are thinking, are one of the thousands of topics that we have in our morning conversations. After all, we're the "high school nerds" in high school.

I left my thoughts when Evie began to stare at me with her face tilted and with my hand invited me to play underwater with her, I delighted accept. I ran to her and opened her arms, I lift her in my arms, turn with She laughed a little, and we kept running, jumping in the puddles that were beginning to form. We looked like little kids; But... we are young and we had decided a while ago that we would live and teach Evie to enjoy the things you enjoy when you are a child. (You know, childhood on the island, and more she was locked up... (I know, I'll emphasize throughout history xD).

We were running a little, or rather, very close to a medium mound that was in the prairie and under it was a part with rocks of the lake, I thought maybe it would be dangerous and I was going to tell Evs that it was later on mine, How best to run away from the shore; When I feared it happened... She slipped and with the grass so wet she became super slippery, adding the mud that had formed. I panicked when I saw her falling in slow motion towards the shore, I immediately ran towards her as fast as possible and reach her by the arms but she hit the head unconscious, dragged me with all my strength away from danger, and accommodate Her head on my legs but she did not wake up.

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