New Challenges and Teachings: Seeking to Care for My Dougie

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I quickly went to the dining room and took an apple, a yogurt for me and a couple of bottles of water for Doug; Ben was told me I had to keep him hydrated in case he got a fever. Back to the dorms I was eating what I had taken for my snack-dinner.

I reached the room of my fiance, touch very softly and in, Danna was sitting on the bed next to her brother taking his temperature.

D: Hi. - I greet Danna whispering.

E: Hi,... I brought some things to stay here to take care of him in the evenings too. I said in a low voice.

Da: You're under your responsibility, if you catch the flu... But I think it's fine. Sometimes he wakes up at night with a fever.

E: How is he? - I said worried.

Da: Thanks to Auradon, fine, the fever is controlled, he was asleep all afternoon. Soon he will wake up very thirsty.

E: I brought water supplies as well – I say raising the two bottles of water.

Da: oh, precocious girl! - she said and winked my an eye - in the mini fridge in the corner there is serum, for dehydration just in case. There are many...

Doug growled a little and we gave a little jump of the fright; we watched him turn to face up and continue to sleep, Danna and I looked at us with a face of relief that he didn't wake up. Mom said that if he woke up by noises he did it grumpily.

Da: as I was saying - she continued talking this time a little lower, she touched the bed making space next to Doug so, I assumed she wanted me to sit there - there are several flavors of physiological serum in the mini fridge... His favorite is the grape, or, coincidentally , also the apple. If he doesn't tell you anything, give him the grape that in these situations becomes capricious like a small child. - He rolled his eyes.

E: Ok.

Da: Come on, I'll show you how to take the temperature in the traditional way and then with the thermometer, if you notice that it's a bit high. Sit on the other side; close to Doug's head.

So I did, she took my right hand, I had a little cold to bring the bottles of water.

Da: Rub your hands a little so they are at normal temperature or you will not know what temperature it is.

I did as she asked, then I took my hand again and put it on Doug's forehead; he opened his eyes a little in his dreams and closed them again; I noticed that her lips were dry...

Da: now put your left hand on your forehead - said Danna interrupting my thoughts.

I followed his instructions, I concentrated and I noticed after a few seconds that, indeed he was a little warmer than I (it sounded strange but it was like that, because of the fever, badly thought)

I think it has a little fever. - I said moving my hand from his forehead to his cheek, caressing it a little. He felt the heat of my hand and hit his head on it; like a puppy asking you to know.

Danna could still be very young, but sometimes she had a maturity that impressed me.

Da: Look, you must wet this towel in cold water, you remove the excess water, fold it and place it on his forehead. If one afternoon that you are alone and he have a high fever you must pass it by ... all his body... - again I blush a little, I bend my head but still Danna noticed; in spite of the little light that the room had - you have never seen my brother without shirt? - She said looking at me as Audrey looked at me a few hours ago.

What?... now she wants to make me feel ashamed too?... It's her brother!... It reminded me that we haven't yet; well... I haven't been to swim. I'm not much of a plan to go out into the wild and swim in a river, although if we've gone for long walks in the woods near the Doug family's house... I'm already distracted in my thoughts and Danna keeps looking at me with that look. Disimulate Evs, Disguise!!.

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