Day of the Date; Our First Anniversary Year 2/3

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* ~ Evie ~ *

We were in a limo; I don't know where But Doug was talking a lot and very fast, and that was only when he was nervous; He had tried so hard to prepare everything ... what I still don't know about, but remembering what he did this morning I felt it would be very special, so try to reassure him and relax a bit, In the best way that I know.

As we were sitting together, holding hands, I took her chin gently and made her look me in the eyes.

E: Ey, Dougy, calm down - I smiled - I do not know what you have planned, but surely everything will work out! Besides, I'm already delighted with this morning; You know that I had never experienced anything like that, so, just try to calm down and enjoy it with me if?- I finished stroking his cheek. He leaned back a little in her closed eyes, breathed, smiled tenderly and looked back at me.

D: You're right; I'm sorry, it's just that I'm... excited, "I whisper." Hey... Speaking of emotion, have you ever dreamed of flying? - he looked at me with bright eyes of anticipation at my response.

E: Fly?! - I said surprised, ... I thought - Aamm, I think sometimes I thought when I was a child... To be able to fly and escape the Island, ... although of course you can't ... unless you have a

Flying carpet, lol.

D: Mmmm,... maybe I do not have Aladin's rug, - I look outside - but if I can make you fly in another way... - The car stopped - Come princess ...

Doug held out his hand and helped me down, I barely made him cover my eyes and said.

D: Let yourself be guided...

We started walking, I just heard my breathing, Doug's and the wind coming from in front of us ... then, Doug began to... sing.

D: I want to show you... a fantastic world...Come, princess,... and let your heart dream... can show you... marvellous things,... come princess and... come on to fly...

At that moment he uncovered my eyes and as I got used to the rays of dusk in front of us... I began to see a large balloon just a few meters in a clearing of the forest.

E: Oh my... I've never seen one of these for real!!, it's so amazing! - I said excitedly.

D: And wait until you see the sight, ... Would you do me the honor to accompany me in this... balloon ride my beautiful lady? .- And extended his hand again like any gentleman.

E: Of course, my knight.

And we went up to the balloon.

E: How did you learn to fly a balloon?

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E: How did you learn to fly a balloon?

D: Uncle Doc taught me a few years ago: he told me that when my Uncles Happy, Sleppy (Sleepy) and Dad got lost when they were kids he used it to find them in the forest - He said scratching the back of his neck a little bit distressed.

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