What do you got Doug?...

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A beautiful and super sunny morning began at the time when Evie; By the rays of the sun that fell on her face, began to wake up.

They had forgotten to close the curtains the night before; again. Consequently "The most beautiful of all" opened its eyes a little desperate. She covered them with her arm but still couldn't go back to sleep, so she decided to get up. It was 6:25, in 5 minutes and her alarm clock would ring.

She looked at her roommate and best friend, who looked like a mummy when she was completely covered by the sheets; You could tell that Mal preferred to die of heat to get up and close the curtains when dawn began. Yes, it was She is.

At that moment, something Cross her mind; This will be fun. She take her alarm clock and put it on the bedside table next to Mal's bed and went into the bathroom to shower.

Three minutes later, the alarm was heard, Mal screaming, and... falling out of bed.

Evie from the inside of the bathroom are worried.

Oh, oh!!, Mal is going to kill me - I think

M: Evelyn!! - Scream.

Yup, she'll definitely kill me. Why did this happen?! 😭.

Mal wasn't like the alarm clocks at her side. Her ears were very sensitive to loud noises. That's why Evie had it and that in addition to that caused the daughter of malefic fall from the bed. You started lousy the day dear blue princess.

Evie * ~

Good thing I always changed in the bathroom and left my makeup bag in here so I would enlist and find a way out of the room without being killed by my best friend.

When I was ready, I opened the door a little, I looked everywhere; I didn't see Mal,... but I did notice that the pillows were not there. Pillow war against me Malsy?. I looked at the door and thought no more; I ran away. When I thought she'd saved me when I opened the door. It hit a book. Yes, HER book. Now she used it as a dart against me.

E: Hey! - I said to Mal. But she was already sending the alarm, I left and this one knocked with the door. - Killer of alarm clocks; And, one moment,... I almost collapsed with this!. A beautiful best friend I have, I thought.

I went to breakfast, I sensed that there I would meet Doug as always, but we all gathered and he didn't arrive.

The bell rang and we all went to class except Jane and Carlos who were on a less course. (Carlos could be at our level, but he preferred to stay in Jane's room, remember that they are minors).

The class started and Doug didn't arrive, we did a group work and Doug didn't arrive. I finish the first hour... and he don't arrive.

We were going down the hall to the next class, everyone was talking excitedly, I was a little worried.

E: Has anyone seen Doug? - i say. They all shook their heads. - Ben?

B: Since last night he entered in his room we haven't seen Evs, but if it is rare that he misses class. - He said thoughtfully. - I'll get him.

E: Ok, thank you Ben. Yesterday he was distracted all day. - In my face must have felt a little my concern because everyone was looking at me now.

B: I'll be right back. - He said goodbye.

J: You lost your nerd dwarf. - He said a little mockingly.

C: What cave will him have gotten in to not appear? - He said thoughtfully.

* E: How many times have I told you not to say that about him Jaiden!... - I said giving him a shoulder push that made him back two steps.

J: Auch, he whisper, brushing his shoulder covertly. - And why don't you hit him?! - Pointing to Carlos.

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