Always be your Side 👸💙👨👓💚

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We were Doug and I, alone, just resting; enjoying watching the sunset. Talking about any topic

We were lying down, ... well, I was lying on Doug and he was holding on to a high school railing that had a nice, clear view.

 well, I was lying on Doug and he was holding on to a high school railing that had a nice, clear view

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These last weeks after Doug's flu, he had changed his style a bit. Without leaving his personal touch. Something that I loved and the others seemed to like him too. I liked his elegant nerd style, which he had now combined to make it even better. Little more in a... Hipster style.

I think he've stuck with my taste for fashion😅.

That day... the day that Doug finally left his room. Everyone was happy that "the nerdy friend" (that's what Carlos and Jay called him) will be recovered.

I'll tell you a bit how it all ended...

~ * FlashBack * ~

Doug and I were on our way to the cafeteria, in the morning we were late, as Danna said, and we had to run to class without breakfast so now we were going hungry to eat something after a full day. of lunch

Doug had met some bandmates and friends who told him that his look changed, I felt proud of him, he thanked them and we continued on our way. We were holding hands and talking about a special date approaching... Something about a celebration that would be held for the first time in Auradon... And I stopped paying attention for a few seconds because...

A group of girls,... I think they were from the group of cheerleaders, they came from the opposite side mumbling and looking up and down my boyfriend... And they smiled at each other.

They passed us and told him a... - Hi Doug! - Flapping her eyelashes and moving her fingers...

But what? - blink twice incredulous.

He just raised his hand, his brow furrowed, not to be discourteous.

E: They were flirting you, the very... With me next to you?! .- I frowned even looking at the small group that were talking among themselves at the end of the hall.

D: What,.. what?!! - I look with my eyes open to mine.

E: They were flirting you Doug! - I clenched my fists.

D: am,... to me?!,... I don't think so, darling. - He frowned, looked at the girls - I don't even know them!

E: Doug, I know what it is to flirt perfectly and definitely those... Girls were doing it with you!. - Inflate the cheeks. Yes,... that's what you're thinking, believe it or not.

D: You,... You... - I blink at him now, incredulous - You're jealous Evie Queen!! - He opened his eyes and a little his mouth. - For me?!,... Dwarf saints! - He smiled and ran his hand through his hair, messing a little more, while lying in a box next to him.

I would show you who the blond guy was... I thought as I looked at them from the corner of my eye. They still looked at us and laughed dumbly so take advantage.

Always by your side.|Finished|Where stories live. Discover now