Complicity and Happiness shared with my Bff.

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By noon Dogui and I were back in high school; Doug had to go to a band meeting, so we said goodbye, we agreed to meet for dinner, and I went to look for Mal. I was anxious to find my best friend and find out if it was true What I had discovered yesterday. I searched everywhere I was beginning to despair of not finding her; Where wasMal!!

I was looking for her in the hallways of high school; (Maybe she would be in the art room, which is her favorite place around Auradon) - I thought. So I'm headed there; I arrived at the room and ... she was not there. Ah! I'm giving up, maybe she's with Ben and not even in school - I was thinking.

Cross right to go to the backyard; To the picnic chairs and that moment I saw Carlos with Jane, and at the picnic tables back down the hall I saw Jay talking to Audrey; At first I didn't like Audrey, but after a while I realized that we have things in common; Like the taste for fashion and makeup. A few months later they began to see each other more often with Jay until one day about 9 months ago they gave us the news that they were coming out, and the truth, they are such for which; The two are egocentric, sportsmen and complement each other and made compliments to each other... I returned quickly so that they didn't see me.

Discretely look again at the place down the hallway and it seems the couple of little pigeons are talking about something important so I'd rather go and ask for Mal for our self-proclaimed "big brother".

I decided to leave Janlos calm and go the other way, the longer the road but, I wouldn't be the one to interrupt them this time! ...why? I will tell you; Our beloved babies like each other, we ALL know it, it shows from far away!. The problem, they are very shy, VERY SHY; Lovely but sometimes we want to push them to say it, ... you have to give time to time, they say; A lot of time in this case. In the almost year and a half we have in Auradon; They are just friends. Carlitos, having the confidence that we have since we were on the island (he is my younger brother) he confessed me a few months ago, that he liked Jane, but that he was afraid to confess and that she didn't feel the same, "Besides, having the fairy godmother as" mother-in-law " is intimidating, - he told me that day.

We have all encouraged, separately, to confess; But as we have encouraged them,... we have also damaged the moment; Every time they tried, or they were alone, some of us, unintentionally, interrupted them (what bad older brothers we are!). So we decide to be more careful, prudent and when alone; As at this moment, is a sign of going away flat. I stood for a second watching them from afar, when I saw that Carlos put his hand on the back of the neck (a gesture that he is nervous); Apparently inviting her out, I smiled contentedly and turned around to go to find Jay.

When i finally got to the garden, Jay was gone, but...what?, where did he go!, what i do now?!... And as if called to my aid, Lonnie ran in frond of me. I called her.

E: Lonnie! - I shout.

She stopped and looked at me and returned a little.

L: Oh, hi Evs, how are you? .- She said with a smile and a little agitated by the race she was wearing.

E: Good!... where are you going in such a hurry? - Ask curious.

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