Chapter One

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Sitting in History was boring. No one was paying attention to the teacher we were all just talking and mucking around. I was talking to my best friend Amber about our music task that we had to do. "Ms Rose?" I looked up to see my History teacher staring down at me, "yes Mrs Denver?" no one was talking; the whole room was in silence. So quite you could hear a pin drop. "I just asked if you knew the date of which the American's went to war?" her eyes bored through me, it was like she could see into my soul. I licked my lips and started to speak but realised that I didn't know the answer, so it came out in a croak, "Um…well….the American's went to war in…." I looked around the room to see if anyone was trying to give me secret hand signals for what the answer was but no one moved. "Yes, Ms Rose? You were saying?" I couldn't believe no one was saving me from this torture. Not even Amber. I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders and held up her hands in defeat. "Um….which war?" I said breathless, Mrs Denver didn't like my answer. She went red in the face and then this little vain on her forehead popped out and started throbbing. It was mega gross. She was about to explode when an announcement came over the speakers, "Attention all students; Can Ms Clarissa Rose and Ms Amber Holly come to the principal's office immediately with their bags." I looked up at the speaker and mouthed 'thank the lord' Amber grabbed our bags and pulled my arm away from an almost exploding face. "We'll see you later Mrs D!" said Amber as she ran out of the class room.

"Amber did you do anything? You know that could get us called up to the principal's office?" She stopped walking down the stairs and thought for a moment. I looked at her and could think of many possible reasons why we were getting called up to the office. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a dark red and black corset and white converse sneakers. Amber's outfit:[link]

 We are total different from each other. I, on the other hand, am more responsible. I am in the school leader's committee and was a straight a student. I was wearing a light blue sundress with matching ballet flats and a low side pony tail. Clarissa's outfit: [link]

You see. Two completely different people and personality. Amber doesn't let anyone tell her stuff she doesn't want to hear. She just blocks out all of the bad comments and rumours about her, whereas I can't. I let them bottle up inside me until I explode and go completely ape. I don't talk, eat or sleep. I yell at everyone and basically an all-around biatch!

"I think it has something to do with the 5 missing filing cabinets that have all of the student records in them that I put in your garage yesterday." She said stroking her chin. "What!" I said missing a step and grabbing her arms to stop me from falling, but she was just laughing her head off, "It was a joke. Jeez, Clairdey- Cat. You wouldn't do anything like that. You're a princess." I scoffed and said, "Yeah well you're a demon spawn." She just giggled and twirled down the stairs, "Yep! That's my name don't wear it out!" I just shook my head and followed her. "No but seriously. Did you do anything to get us in trouble?" She twirled around to face me with a hurt expression on her face, "Clairdey-Cat why in the world would I get you into trouble. You are the most perfect student with the best attendance record and only one little slip up could cause that Juilliard scholarship to be even further out of your reach." I couldn't believe it! She actually did something that was going to get me into so much trouble, and may even jeopardise my Juilliard scholarship. I really want to become a singer, actress and musician. So I want to apply for Juilliard, but I know that it's a really big long shot. "Jeez, Rissa, I was just joking. Can't you take a joke? You look like you saw me die then rise up again." I only just realised that I had stopped breathing and was going slightly green, Amber came and put her arm around me and rubbed my shoulder as we walked up to the principal's office door. "I would never do anything that could hurt your chances for getting into Juilliard. But there is no point in worrying, because you're better than most people there. Hun?" I managed a weak smile before she opened the wooden door which leads to the office.

Amber and I walked in to see the back of five heads. Two brown ones, one blondish brown, a black and a blonde. "Ah, girls you're here. So glad you can join us." Mr Alfred said, getting up and walking towards us and as he did. The five heads followed him to reveal…. I stopped breathing, literally. You could hear the breathing stop. Amber gave my arm are really tight squeeze and let out a little squeal before she clamped her hand around her mouth. "Ladies, this is—" "One Direction." Amber squeaked, the boys all smiled and I felt Amber's nails in my skin and I was able to breathe again. "Yes now what we are about to discuss is very important." Said Mr Alfred, as he walked over to his desk, "Clairy…it's One Direction! Can you believe it!?" Amber whispered to me as Mr Alfred kept speaking to the boys. Harry flashed me a giant smile making those dimples pop. I just couldn't believe that I was in the same room as One Direction! I was able to breathe now that Amber's claws had brought me back to reality. "Yes, I can see that it's One Direction. You need to stop acting like a crazy fan." She shot me an evil look; I had just interrupted a happy dance. Great. Here comes demon spawn! "Shut up! At least I didn't stop breathing!" I gave her a 'Whatever' look, "Hey, if I stopped breathing who would do CPR? Obviously not you because you haven't done the course yet." I walked over to a chair that was sitting beside Harry. I didn't dare sit down because I wasn't sure if I could…even sit that close to him…it was so weird. "Well, girls, you and the boys will be moving into a house to live together while the boys are staying here," Said Mr Alfred filing some paperwork, "Wait, what do you mean stay with them?" asked Amber from her standing position at the door. Mr Alfred looked up from his paperwork, "Well yourself, Ms Rose and the boys are going to live in the same house together because we didn't want the boys to be alone and because of you two." I cocked my head to the side, "What do you mean by 'you two' sir? If you don't mind me asking?" Mr Alfred looked up again with a smile that said, 'Surely you're not that dumb?' and said, "You and Ms Holly are the two students in this school who are the best Arts students. So of course we'll let our best Dramatic and Musical student live with a popular boy band." I gave Amber the biggest smile, and she returned it back. "So you can all leave now. Get introduced to each other, though I am pretty sure the girl's know your names." Said Mr Alfred, shooing us away with a pair of scissors. I saw Amber's eyes light up at the sight of them. She likes to cut things up for no reason including her but that's stopping now. At the moment she has a thing with staples…..

 I walked over to Amber and spoke to the guys, "Let's leave him alone because I'm pretty sure he is trying to finish filing very important stuff." They all nodded and followed me and Amber into the small corridor. I closed the door and was faced with Harry in mine. "Oh, sorry it's just a bit crowed in here." He smiled, I just melted at the sound of his voice, his accent was so sweet, the boys laughed at him and Louis said, "Yeah it's just a tad crowed. So crowded that he has to be right up against you!" It caused the other guys to go into a laughing fit, Harry went pink then walked over to them and stood between them, which seem to shut them up. "So you know our names but what are yours?" Asked Louis with a very weird face on. It was like that weird face that detectives do if they are interrogating them. With the one eye half shut and the other eye massively opened. Amber and I giggled and I said, "My name's Clarissa and this is my best friend Amber." She gave them all a small wave. Liam did the flirty finger wave at her and Louis wiggled his eyebrows, which caused Amber to go into a hysteric of giggles. Louis laughed, "You're giggle is so cute. It sounds like you have the hiccups and you're hiccupping really fast." This caused her to blush bright red, almost the same colour as her hair. "Clarissa? That's really pretty." Said Niall looking at me with those bright blue eyes, I brushed a black curl away from my face, "Thanks Niall." He blushed and looked at the floor while Harry took his spot, "You are very—" "Come on, ladies and gents. You gotta go to your new home." We all turned to the left to see a limo driver standing in the door way holding the door open for us. Amber and I looked at each other, shrugged and made our way to the car. I didn't think that this day could get any better!

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