Chapter Sixteen

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Harry walked out of the kitchen holding two plates of lasagne for me and Louis, “Um, just how hungry we were getting.” Louis said and took his plate, he got up and sat with Niall and Liam on the floor in front of me and Harry on the couch, “Oh, well sorry, Liam and Niall were eating all the pastry.” Harry said and started cutting his lasagne piece, “its ok.” I told him, he smiled at me and pecked me on the nose, “So what movie we watching?” Niall asked with he’s mouthful of salad and mince, “I’m not sure, Zayn? What movie?” we all looked over at Zayn and he was fast asleep in his chair, cuddling a pillow. “Aw, Zayn.” Niall said, “I think it’s been a big day for him.” Liam sighed; I tapped him on the back of the head with my foot, “Why do you say that?” I asked him, Liam swallowed his mouthful, “He broke up with Jessica today and now she’s gone and he feels like it’s his fault.” Grrreeeaaatttt! Well you can tell him it wasn’t his fault they left it was mine. I thought bitterly and stabbed my lasagne.

At around 11 everyone decided that it would be time for bed, I pulled the blanket of me and started to get up when Harry grabbed my hand, “You wanna sleep with me tonight?” He asked, his facing looking so innocent and sweet...I swear this thing with Louis is gonna kill all three of us with no mercy at all... “Sure.” I said and gave him a smile, he smiled widely and let my hand go and got up, “See you tomorrow fellas.” He said and walked up the stairs, everyone else followed except for Louis who still sat on the floor watching the TV. “Louis? Louis, what am I gonna do?” I whispered to him and sat down beside him, “I don’t know...if we tell could ruin both friendships...and split the band...” I groaned and put my head on my knees, “I don’t want that to you know how bad that would be for me? I’ll be the girl who ruined One Direction!” I said, Louis put his arm around me and held me tight, “We’re gonna have to tell him...” He whispered into my hair, I pulled away from him, “What! Are you crazy?” I hissed at him, he’s eyes showed that he didn’t want to but I knew he had to, “But we can’t just—” The shrill ring of the phone scared the crap out of me, I jumped and squealed, only to make Louis jump as well, “I’ll get it!” Niall yelled from the kitchen, and ran past us to get the phone, “Ello?” He looked at us the back at the wall, “Yeah...ok...Harry! Phone!” He yelled, then put the phone down on the draws, Harry came jumping down the stairs and nearly ran into Niall, “Jeez. Expecting the call?” Niall said with slight annoyance, which was weird, “Yeah I am.” He said with a smile and picked up the phone, “Mum! Hi how are yo—Hello?” I gave Louis a look and he gave me one back...who is Harry talking to if it’s not he’s mum.... “Louis...who is it?” I whispered to him, he just shrugged though; I watched Harry’s facial expressions and strained my ears to listen.

He’s face went from happy to confused. “Wait...what? I don’t under...” The person on the other end started yelling but I could hear any of it to actually understand words, “No...Not possible...” He said, I got up on the couch and looked at him straight on, he looked at me then looked at Louis then back at me again. His eyes suddenly went wide and his face pale. What’s going on? Who is he talking t—AMBER!  “Harry don’t listen to her!” I jumped off the couch and ran to him but he stuck out his hand and held me away from him, “Are..are you sure?” I heard Amber’s voice on the other end of the phone, “Yes...I saw it with my own two eyes Harry you’ve got to believe me.” She sounded like she was almost pleading with him, “I-I-How can I believe you?” He said, he looked at me  and his eyes started to fill with tears, he blinked him back and let out a shaky breath as Amber spoke, “I’m the only one who saw them together Harry. I know it’s hard to believe but you have to! She kissed him! He kissed her back!” I shook my head, my own eyes forming tears, “Harry...please...don’t listen to her...I can explain—”

“So it’s true!” His voice cracked and he dropped the phone, “No-I-Harry-I—”

“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!” He screamed at me and backed into the wall, “Harry I need you to listen—”

“NO! I’M NOT GONNA LISTEN TO YOU!” He screamed and fell against the wall and slid down it, “Harry, mate just calm down!” Louis said walking over to us, Harry pointed a finger at him, the tears streaming down his face just broke my heart, “NO! YOU! YOU OF ALL PEOPLE! WHY! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?” He screamed and Louis just fell to his knees, “I didn’t mean to!” He yelled and Harry just froze, “It’s true....” he said softly, “Harry I was going to—”

“It’s true! And you...” He pointed at me, his face turning into a mask of pain, “ were going to me?”

“No! Harry I would never—”

“NO! NO!” he shouted and backed up into the corner even more, “What’s going on?” Liam and Niall said walking down the stairs, “SHE CHEATED! HE CHEATED! THEIR ALL A BUNCH OF CHEATERS!” Harry yelled pointing at me and Louis, I looked at Liam and Niall, tears making my cheeks wet, “I-I can explain...” I sobbed, Liam looked at the three of us, and looked down at his hands, “Clarissa...I...I think it’s time you leave...” my mouth dropped open, “ can’t just—”

“HE SAID LEAVE!” Harry screamed at me, I looked down at him and saw Niall comforting him, rocking him back and forth. “I-I-I-”

“LEAVE! JUST GET OUT OF HERE CLAIR!” He screamed at me, I let out another sob and ran out of the house, Harry’s sobs echoing in my heart as my own echoed in my head.

*Niall’s POV*

I sat there with Harry as he sobbed loudly, clutching his chest as if he was stabbed through the heart...But I’m pretty sure that’s how he felt. “ happened?” Liam asked kneeling down beside the other crying boy, “I-I-I-I just-I kissed her!” Harry let out another sob and held it, like a baby crying. You know how they just hold that breath? That’s what he was doing. Taking in a deep breath then letting it out. I rocked him back and forth, trying to calm him down, I rested my head on his and he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly as he buried his face into my shirt and cried, “I LOVED HER!” He sobbed out and Louis just broke and Liam had to grab him before he smashed his head into the ground and did the same as what I was doing to Harry. Tonight...isn’t the best one I’ve had...

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