Chapter Four

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Yes it’s official. Amber and Louis are dating. He asked her out at a performance they were doing. In front of like 100 girls, mind you. He called her up on stage and told them about the whole living in the house thing and luckily he didn’t give the address away. And then right then and there he got down on one knee, I seriously thought he was going to propose to her. Harry did as well, he wasn’t up on stage at the time he was sitting with me off stage left. He had his arm around me the whole time and no one noticed.

Flashback Moment!

“What is he going to do?” I asked Harry, who shrugged and looked like he was concentrating really hard in what Louis was doing. “Now ladies, this fine young piece of work have given me a lot of thought.” He handed the microphone to Amber who just said, “I have?” everyone cracked up laughing. “Yes honey you have.” That’s when he got down on his knee, the girls were screaming Amber had her hand over her mouth in utter shock, and both Harry and I were on the edge of our seats. Zayn, Niall and Liam who were on stage with Louis were like, “What’s going on?”  Zayn asked if there was going to be a ceremony. “Amber?” She just giggled into the mic she had, “Yes Louis?” he took something out of his pocket.  “Oh my god, Harry is he actually going to propose to her? Because that could start a riot.” Harry was on the edge of his seat searching the room for the security is, “They’ve doubled the security. I was wondering why Louis was talking to them this morning. Maybe he is going to propose.” I looked at him and he looked at me. We both jumped up and yelled at screamed at Louis to stop but he couldn’t hear us over the crowd. He did look up and he saw us jumping but he thought we were cheering him on. “Amber Christian Holly? Will you be my girlfriend?” Oh my freaking god! Harry and I stopped jumping around and just watched the girls go absolutely crazy. I heard one girl say that she was going to kill Amber and take Louis for herself. Amber must have said yes because a whole other group of girls came running in to where we were standing because the stage is set up so that the back of it is towards the entrance of the place we were at. So Harry and I were standing right in the road of them. Harry saw them coming grabbed my waist and pulled me away from the stampede. I curled into his chest letting his arms wrap around me in a protective circle. I felt his hand on my head and waist, holding me tight. I hand my hands up to my face. Once the girls where all gone Harry pulled my head away from his chest, “Are you alright?” He yelled over the screaming girls, I nodded my head and just then a big security guard came over to us. “Okay guys we have a car waiting around back for you so this way please.” Harry took my hand and I looked over my shoulder to see the rest of the band and Amber were being ushered off stage and around the back. “Come on, Clair keep up.” Said Harry tugging at my hand, I turned around and starting running with Harry to the car. A girl saw us running away and pointed us out and screamed at the top of her lungs, “It’s Harry Styles! After him!” the next thing we knew, we were getting chased down the corridor to the car with a swarm of teenage girls. “Harry can we escape them?” I said breathless, he just looked back at the girls and started pumping his arms faster. 

End of Flashback Moment

I was sitting on the couch with Zayn and Liam. I had my head in Zayn’s lap and he was playing with my hair and Liam was holding my feet switching through the TV channels. “You have really curly hair. They’re all in little ringlets.” Said Zayn running his fingers through it, I smiled at him, “Thanks.” Liam was switching the TV and then all of a sudden the boys What Makes You Beautiful music video came on. “Oh my god! That’s us!” Liam got off the couch and started dancing and singing. My body was sitting at an awkward stance now so I sat up properly; Zayn got up and started dancing and singing as well. Liam held out his hand to me and we started dancing together. I was giggling my head off, singing along with the boys. Amber and Louis came out of the bedroom to see what was going on, Louis’s hair was all messed up and Amber’s shirt looked slightly crooked. “Look Louis! It’s us!” Yelled Zayn from behind me, Louis looked up at the TV and started dancing and singing as well. Amber made her way down to me and started dancing as well. “What’s going on here?” Said Harry coming out of the kitchen with Niall, I smiled at him widely and then Zayn grabbed my hand and started spinning me around. “Harry it’s us! We’re on TV!” Yelled Louis as they kept singing, Niall jumped down from the stairs and started dancing with Amber. “Come on Harry!” I yelled to him, he smiled and came down to me and Zayn spun me into Harry. He grabbed me by the waist and started dancing while singing his solo. He was singing just to me. I felt like I was in seventh heaven. Harry spun me around, I could see out of the floor length window. I saw the bush move. What on earth? I saw a girl stand up; she was covered in camouflage wear. I narrowed my eyes to see that it was the girl who said she was going to kill Amber and take Louis all to herself. What is she doing?  I thought she was looking at me but she wasn’t. She was looking at Amber who was dancing with Louis who spun her right in the girls view. The girl raised her arm up and in her hand was…a massive rock! She drew her hand back and threw it. “Amber!” I screamed but it was too late. The window shattered and Amber collapsed against Louis’s chest. I squealed as glass rained down on Harry and I. “What on earth was that?” Asked Zayn from behind the couch. Liam, Niall and Louis where on the floor which is where Amber laid, I ran over to her, Harry following closely behind me, “What happened? Did anyone see anything?” Louis sounded almost close to tears, Liam had his hand on Louis’s shoulder and Niall was holding Amber’s head. “She has a really big cut on the back of her head.” He said to us all, “It was a fan.” I said holding Harry’s hand, “What?” Louis said looking up at me tears in his eyes making them shiny. “When you asked Amber to be your girlfriend a fan in the crowd said that she will kill Amber and take you all for her. She was standing outside the window and threw a rock.” He looked so upset and distraught. I swallowed my breathing and continued, “She threw a rock and it smashed the window and—” I chocked back a sob, “It hit Amber in the head.” I fell into Harry who held me tight while I cried. Zayn was on the phone to the police and security, Liam was on the phone to the ambulance. I stopped crying for a moment and knelt down near Louis and placed my hand on his shoulder. “She’ll be fine. She has to be. She’s a fighter.”  Louis gripped my hand and pulled me into a fierce hug. I stroked his hand while he cried into my shirt. “The ambulance will be here in 12 minutes or so.” Said Liam coming back from the kitchen, “Police and security will be here in 5 minutes.” Said Zayn coming back from the bedrooms, “I’ll get a cloth to stop the bleeding.” said Harry walked past Louis and I and into the kitchen. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He sobbed into me, I shhhed him and stroked his hair. “No one was expecting this to happen Louis.” said Zayn sitting down next to him, Louis let go of me and went to Zayn. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. Harry was in there standing over the sink. He heard me coming and wiped his eyes. “You alright, Harry?” he sniffled and nodded his head. I walked over to him and laid my hand on his arm. “You sure?” he nodded then shook his head and pulled me into a hug. “I just can’t help but imagine if that was you.” He said into my hair. I pulled away from him, “well I’m fine right now.” I held his face in my hands. He nodded and kissed me on the lips. It was long but just a soft kiss. The doorbell rang and the ambulance and police were here. “Come on, time to go.”

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