Chapter Fifteen

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Louis and I stood there gaping like fish. “ could you?” Louis went to say something but his throat closed up and he just croaked. Her steal glaze leapt on me, “And just...” She pointed at me then threw her hands up in the air and walked out of the room, Louis and I looked at each other before we ran after her, “Amber, please just listen!” Louis said grabbing her arm and forcing her to turn around. I saw Freya, Rayne and Jessica walk into the room. “Why! Why should I listen to you! You jerk!” She tried to pull against his strength but he wouldn’t let her go, “Please! Just listen! I can explain!” She pulled against him once again and he didn’t let go. She stopped pulling, looked at him icily...then retched her hand back and slapped him across his face.

There was a sicking crack; the force of the slap was enough to make Louis’s face fall to the side and let go of Amber. The girls and I all gasped. “I don’t ever want to see you’re ugly, cheating face again!” She screamed at him before running upstairs. All of us just stood frozen, not able to move because of the shock. Amber came back down carrying her suitcase, “Girls, we’re leaving!” She announced then walked out of the front door on the phone to a taxi service given the address to the house. Freya and Jessica were the first to move. Rayne stood beside me and tugged at my hand, “What happened?” She whispered in my ear, I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. “Rayne! Hurry up!” Amber yelled from the front, Jessica and Freya came running down the stairs, suitcases in hand...but they had three... “Rayne, you coming?” Freya puffed, and blew a piece of hair out of her face, “But...Niall...” Jessica shook her head and scoffed, “Their just stupid pop stars that don’t care about girls.” I was slightly taken back by Jessica’s comment as was Rayne, “ and Zayn...” Jessica shook her head, “Zayn dumped her.” Freya said and glared at Louis who was sitting on the couch in shock, a red hand print scaring up the left side of his face looked like a beacon. “But Freya you have Liam...” Protested Rayne and Frey scoffed, “Liam is in love with Clair. Surely you can see that!” I blinked a few times before I registered what she said.

 “Liam’s not in love with me...” I said, she shot me daggers, “Whatever, I see the way he looks at you. I’m surprised Harry hasn’t seen it yet.” She shot back. “Ray, just come with us and you won’t have to worry about Niall dumping you and breaking your heart.” Jessica said, she held out her hand for her, Rayne looked between me and Freya and Jessica.

I knew she was going to go with them. She is so easily taken and mislead. She walked out of the door with tears streaming down her face. The rest of the boys walked in as the taxi drove away. “Where’s everyone?” Zayn said looking between me and Louis, who was still in a state of shock. “Louis! Is that a handprint on your face?!” Liam said and pushed through Niall and Zayn to kneel down in front of him, Harry ran in, “What’s going on?” He said and saw Liam with Louis, “My god! Louis!” He ran over to him and knelt beside Liam, “Louis...what happened?” Harry tilted Louis head up and to the side to get a better look at his face but Louis slapped his hand away, “I’m fine...” He said, I collapsed into a lounge chair and put my head on my knees, “Loui...what happened mate? You got tell us...” Niall said sitting beside me, Louis looked down at his hands and blinked tears away, “Amber broke up with me...” He choked out, Harry got up off the ground and sat beside him and put his arm around him, “She slapped me across the face...” I heard Niall, Liam and Harry gasp, I saw Zayn’s jaw drop as he fell into the comforter. Louis sniffled and let out a nervous laugh, “And you know what the worst thing was? I didn’t care if she did...I she just stripped me of everything I was with that one look...” I started to tear up; because I was half of the reason why they broke up...I actually think I was the full reason... “She took the girls with her...I think they went back home...” My phone vibrated scaring the crap out of me and Niall. It was a text from Amber:

I’m grabbing my stuff from the house and going to live with Rayne. Have fun in life you worthless, man stealing whore. I hope you’re happy that you got both boys you bitch. Oh and Slut? Make sure you or any of the boys don’t ever talk to me again...otherwise...your friendship isn’t the only thing that’s going to get hurt.

I let out a sob and switched my phone off, “Who was it?” Niall asked, rubbing my back in small circles, I let out a shaky breath, “It was Amber...she’s picking her stuff up from the house and living with Rayne...she doesn’t wanna talk to anyone of us...” Louis let out a barking sob and fell into Harry, who held onto him tightly.


After all of us had finished crying we decided that we would just sit in the living room and watch movies. Harry was in the kitchen cooking lasagne and Niall and Liam help, Zayn was sitting on the comforter seat and Louis and I were tucked up under a blanket on the two seater lounge. My head was on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine, he was holding my hand, stoking it with his thumb in slow calming circles. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I turned it back on after I was sure I wasn’t going to get a text from Amber. I guess I was wrong.

Don’t think that a certain little curly haired boy isn’t going to be kept in the dark on your little make out session with Louis, Princess. Sorry but your fairytale is NEVER going to have a happy ending!

I blinked the tears back but one escaped and landed on Louis’s arm. “Clair?” he said softly, he looked over at Zayn who was falling asleep and turned to me. “What’s wrong?” I handed him my phone and showed him the first text that Amber sent me then the second one. “What am I gonna do if she tells Harry?”

“Tells me what?”

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