Chapter Six

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The ride home was awfully quiet. No one spoke or laughed. I’m pretty sure no one wanted to even breathe. I sat in the back seat between Liam and Harry, Amber sitting shotgun in the front with Louis and Niall and Zayn in the back. Louis pulled up to the house and pulled the keys out of the ignition, no one got out or moved, “Let me be the one to break the silence.” Said Louis, for once he wasn’t in a stupid mood so he was serious. “I know that all of us are feeling happy that Amber is fine but yet we all feel crummy about the young girl.” We all nodded except Amber but she didn’t know the little girl, “I think that we should just have a minute silence for her and then just get on with our lives. I’m sure that she would have wanted us to keep living our dream and write more songs and make more people happy. Don’t you think?” He looked around at all of us and we all agreed, “I agree with Louie, I think we should write a song just for that little girl.” Zayn said from beside Niall. The boys all agreed, after our one minute of silence they would write a song for that little girl. We helped Amber out of the car as much to her protest, “Guys I didn’t like cut my stomach open I can still walk.” She pushed Harry and Louis who were going to pick her up, she fixed her top and started to walk, but only to get the wobbles and fell against Liam and Niall. “Okay,” she said looking at us all, “Maybe I do need some help.” We all crossed our arms, “You think?” we all said in unison. Harry and Louis carried her inside while Liam supported her back, while Zayn got her bags and Niall and I opened the door.

We put Amber to bed with Louis and the rest of us sat in the lounge room with the TV on mute. “So how should we start this?” Said Niall chewing on the end of his pencil, the guy shrugged, I thought for a moment then said, “How about ‘your eyes are like the portal to heaven. I’ve never seen an angle quite like you. So why did you have to go?’” they all agreed but it was with half enthusiasm, I sighed and lied down on Harry’s shoulder as he put his arm around me. “I don’t think we should do this.” Harry said looking at the ground, “What?” Said Niall, “You agreed to it!” Harry just shook his head, “Yeah but I’m not saying that I don’t want to I’m just saying that thinking of things to write is just making us think of her and getting us all depressed.” The boys sat and thought for a minute, “Maybe you could not write a song for her and do a charity event instead?” I said closing my eyes and falling asleep to Harry’s lips against my forehead.

Harry’s POV

 “I think that sounds like a better idea. That way we don’t think of her in the bad way she was.” Said Liam, the boys all agreed on the idea and then decided to go to bed. I started to get up but then realised that Clarissa had fallen asleep on me. I moved her so her head was in my lap, I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Zayn, “You going to bed Harry?” I looked down at Clarissa’s angelic face, a black curl had curled up around her eye, and I moved it with my fingertips.  “Nah, I think I’ll stay out here a little while.” He nodded and patted my shoulder then left. Clarissa was just beautiful. The way her mouth smiles when she’s talking about something she loves, the way her eyes sparkle when she sings. I love her but I don’t want to do anything because of what happen to Amber. Maybe I could just make it official to the group and let the press find out later. Yeah that’s what I’ll do. I picked Clarissa up and rested her head against my shoulder as I walked up the stairs and into my room. I didn’t want her to be alone after all of this, because for all I know a crazy fan could kill her in her sleep. I laid her down on the bed and pulled the covers up around her. I stripped my shirt off and changed my jeans for sweat pants and got under the blanket. She seemed like she was shivering so I pulled her close to me but she rolled over so she was snuggling into my chest as if she knew I was there all along. She stopped shivering and had a small smile on her face. I rested my head against hers and let her breathing lull me to sleep.

Clarissa’s POV


I was walking down this corridor. I didn’t know where I was or how I got here but all I knew was that I was looking for something or someone. The corridor was long and never ending, like those ones for the scary movies. No corners or anything. I finally came across a door. I touched the handle and was immediately burnt. I drew my hand back with a gasp and opened my hand….nothing was there. No mark, no burn, not even a single blister. “Clarissa…” I heard a faint voice say from behind me, I spun around a screamed like a girl from a horror movie. In front of me stood Niall, he looked like a zombie with his pale blue complexion; water was dripping off him as if someone had just dumped a whole lot of water on him. “Help me….” He chocked as water spilt out from his mouth, he started moving towards me, I was backed up against the door so I pushed him and ran as fast as I could down the corridor. I saw a gurney leaning against the wall so I hid behind that. I calmed my breathing down to a slow in and out. I leant forward to see if Niall had chased after me. He didn’t. The corridor was absolutely empty. I sighed and started to lean back when something touched my back. I slowly turned around to see a bloody hand. I squealed and jumped back. Sitting on the gurney was Louis. He looked like he had been involved in a massive fire. He had burns all the way up his arm and across his face. His head was half burnt so the hair was just sitting in gooey clumps. “Clarissa… help… me” he tried to get off the gurney but his melted skin had cooled to mattress. I backed up against the wall and tried to open the door that was behind me but it wouldn’t budge. Louis tried to get up again ripping at the dried skin, he howled in pain as he was able to free his melted leg from the mattress. I screamed and ran down the corridor once again.

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