Chapter Three

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A few months have gone past and everything is fine. Louis and Amber are getting really, really, really close now. They are always sitting really close together and hugging and tickling… it’s like hormone central. Me and Harry are becoming really close to, like yesterday I fell over and twisted my ankle and it happened to be right outside Harry’s door so he heard me squeal and rushed outside. He picked me up and took me to the lounge room no one was home beside us two and Niall, so Harry called Niall downstairs to hold me on the couch (I was crying because it really, really hurt.) while he called a doctor. They thought I had broken my ankle but it turned out to be a twist. After that Harry carried me everywhere. And he made breakfast, lunch and dinner for me, no one else, and brought it up for me to have it in my room. He is so sweet.

“Clair do you think that I should straighten my hair?” I turned around from the couch to see Harry standing in front of me without a shirt on. I tried so hard to stare away but his body was so fit and lush! “Um, why do you need to straighten your hair? I like it curly.” I smiled at him and he came and sat at my feet on the couch, he had my feet on his lap and he was massaging my sore one. “Well you see the thing is… I want to ask this girl out.” My heart sank, there goes my chance, I thought bitterly. “Well you shouldn’t have to change what you look like for some girl. She should love you for who you are. Curly hair and all.” I said staring at the TV not paying attention to the game show that was on. “Yeah but the thing is…I don’t think she likes me.” Ooooo okay this just got interesting. “Really? What makes you think that?” He looked embarrassed all of a sudden, “What’s wrong Harry?” he looked at me and smiled, “She’s here.” What….that doesn’t make any sense? “What do you mean, Harry? Like is she outside waiting for you?”  I went to go and get up but Harry was all of a sudden lying on top of me, “Harry, what are you doing?!” I giggled as he ran his fingers up and down my waist. He knew I was ticklish yet he still does it. Why is he doing this? And then it clicked. I’m the girl! The girl that he wants to ask out. No wonder he was being all weird asking me all of these different questions like ‘do you like Chinese or Italian?’ or ‘what colour is your favourite?’ or ‘what colour suits me better?’ Things all add up now. I understand. “Harry…Harry…Harry stop for a second I need to tell you something!” He’s fingers stopped and his green eyes. “Yes Clarissa?” I heard that our breathing had gotten quite rapid so now we sound like we’re panting, “Yes.” Was all I said, “What?” He had confusion all over his face, oh no maybe I’m not the girl! Omg! I have just made the biggest mistake of my life! “Oh…I thought the girl we were talking about was me…” I was looking to the side because I didn’t want to meet his eyes but turned my head straight anyway but what happened was something I wasn’t expecting. Lips on lips.

At first my eyes where wide open because I didn’t know what was going on, and then I relaxed realising what was happening, I fell deeper into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and entwining my fingers in his curls. He ran his hand up my leg and around my waist, sending shivers up my spine and then he pulled my up somehow so I was sitting on his lap with my legs beside his.  I gasped at his sudden movement which opened my mouth wider for him. His hands went from my waist to my hips then down to my bum I was going to stop him until I realized what he was doing. He then somehow managed to get up while still holding on to me, and without breaking the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me up the stairs. He got to his bedroom door before stopping to catch a breath. “I liked you from the first time I saw you.” He said breathless, I smiled at him and kissed him again. His door opened and he walked inside, still carrying me, but then we bumped into something. I let go of Harry’s waist and Harry let go of me and we both turned to see what or more like who we bumped into. “Louis and Amber.” I couldn’t believe it. Those two had the same idea we did. “So when did that happen?” Harry asked, Louis shrugged his shoulders and Amber waved her hand as if she was batting it away. “Well what about you two?” Amber asked, we shrugged and Harry put his arm around my waist and lifted me up off the ground. Louis started tickling Amber so we were making a lot of noise because Liam came in and told up to shut up because we were too loud. It’s not our fault for being loved up.

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