Chapter Five

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Waiting in the hospital made me feel sick. Amber was fine, just blood loss and a cut. She had to get 12 stiches for it. I was sitting in the waiting room with Louis and Harry holding their hands, Zayn was flicking through a magazine stoping every five seconds to look up at Amber’s hospital room, Niall was trying to get a soda for everyone but the machine wasn’t working properly and Liam was pacing back and forth. I laid my head on Harry’s shoulder and he rested his head on the top of mine. “Why did I have to do something so stupid?” Louis said out loud, breaking the silence, I stroked his hand with my thumb. “Louis, you didn’t think that someone would do something like that. It was a freak accident.” Said Zayn walking over and sitting next to him, “She’s fine, the doctor said that we can see her in a few hours when she wakes up.” I told him, he nodded and got up and walked outside. “He is really kicking himself isn’t he?” I asked Harry, “Yeah. He feels absolutely gutted.” I just shook my head, “He’ll get through it though. He just won’ let Amber leave his side.” Said Liam sitting down in Louis’s seat. “Well I’m sure Amber will like that then.” I joked lightly, the boys are cracked a weak smile before things got gloomy again. I was sick of it! “Okay that’s it!” I said hopping up, Harry jump at my sudden movement as the rest of the boys did. “We are in the hospital.” Niall lifted his eyebrow at me, “So?” I shook my head in disbelief, “You’re One Direction!” The boys didn’t understand what I was saying I got really frustrated. “Niall you have you’re guitar in the truck right?” he sat down with the rest of the boys, “Yeah…why?” I stood with my hands on my hips, “Go and get it and come right back here.” He shrugged and got up and went to go get his guitar, Louis came back into the room holding a tray of hot chocolates. “Louis?” He looked up at me and put the tray down, “Yeah?” he sounded really bored, I turned towards the rest of the guys, “You know all the words to your songs right?” They all nodded their heads just as Niall came back in the room, “Got it. Now why do we need it?” I pushed him so he sat with the rest of the boys, “You are One Direction, sitting in a hospital that is full of sick children who watch TV for a living. They watch X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent.” They still didn’t understand what I was saying, “You have fans sitting in this hospital dreaming of meeting you!” I yelled at them, trying to be as quite as possible. It finally clicked in their thick skulls, “What room should we visit first?”

The boys sang ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, ‘Gotta Be You’ and ‘More than This’. The girls were in love with them, they each got a kiss in the cheek, a hug and a photo with each of them and then with all of them. They were singing to a young girl who had cancer, her long blonde hair was falling out in clumps. She seemed so sad when we walked in and then as soon as she saw the boys, her whole face lit up like a million watts. “Thank you so much for doing this.” A woman said standing next to me; I pulled my eyes away from the boys to see that it was the young girl’s mother. I could tell by the smile and hair. I smiled at her, “It’s no problem, really.” She smiled a sad smile, “The doctor says that she only has a few months left.” My heart was so cut, that poor young girl wasn’t going to get a sweet sixteenth, her first kiss, get to go to prom. “I am so sorry.” I placed a hand on her shoulder; she just shrugged and smiled weakly, “All she would talk about was them.” She nodded towards the boys who were doing a dance in the middle of an instrumental break, “She absolutely adores Harry.” I turned to her, “Really?” she nodded, “She kept telling me that her dying wish was to meet Harry and the rest of the band.” I saw tears weld up in her eyes; she fanned herself to stop crying, “Them being here just,” her voice cracked, I felt my heart pang with pain, “It just gives me hope.” Her voice cracked more so she couldn’t speak, I rubbed her shoulder as she stared at her daughter with tears streaming down her face, “Okay, we’ll be taking a break right now and will come back with ‘Gotta Be You.’” I heard Niall say, I looked up to see Louis and Zayn playing with the young girl and Niall and Liam teaching a few boys to play the guitar. Harry came over to me and placed his arm around my waist, “Hi there.” He said to the mother, who had just stopped crying, “I just want to say thank you so much for doing his for her. It means a lot to me.” Harry smiled his best charming smile, “You’re welcome. I couldn’t think of anything better to do.” She smiled and walked over to her daughter who was playing with Zayn’s fingers, matching them with her own skinny, fragile ones. Harry gave me a hug from behind, “Harry will you do something for me?” He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder, “Anything.” I turned around in his arms and told him what the young girl’s mother had told me. “You’re kidding?” He said to me, disbelief in his features. I shook my head. A doctor came through the door and walked over to the young girl, her mother, Zayn and Louis. He pulled the mother away and told her something that made her burst into tears, my heart broke. Harry and I stood there watching while Louis and Zayn tried to keep the young girl’s attention on them. They must have heard what happened. The doctor walked past us, “Excuse me sir?” He stopped and turned around, “Yes miss?” I cleared my throat of the tears that wanted to escape, “Um, what did you tell that lady?” I pointed her out, she was standing in a corner trying to collect herself before going back to her daughter, the doctor’s facial features fell from the fake smile he wore, “That lady’s daughter has cancer and we found out from her check-up today that the cancer has spread more rapidly than we expected. She only has a few more days left.”  I heard Harry, gasp, I grabbed my chest. I thanked the doctor and then turned into Harry. He stroked my head as I let unshed tears fall. “I want to do something for her.” He said after a while, I sniffled and wiped my eyes and looked up at him, and said, “What do you want to do?” I asked him and he shrugged, “I want to spend the rest of the night with her.” I nodded my head in agreement, “I think she’ll love that.”

With the boys informed on what Harry was going to do, we said goodbye to him and started walking down to Amber’s room. When we walked into the room my heart stopped. She looked deathly pale and had a bandage wrapped around her head with a little crimson stain on it. We were all standing in the door way until Niall pushed Louis in first. He stumbled in and caught himself on the edge of her bed. We saw him fall to his knees and his shoulder’s shake. We all rushed to his side. He was sobbing his eyes out. Zayn and Liam were telling him to calm down and Niall and I were shhhing him. “It’s my entire fault.”  He kept repeating to us. Louis looked so fragile and childish. “Louis…” We all stopped talking and breathing. Amber stirred slightly and struggled to open her eyes, “Louis….” He bolted up right and grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I’m here. I’m right here baby.” He kissed her hand and forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and locked on Louis’s blue ones. “Louis….?” He laughed and had tears pouring down his face, I felt tears pricking my own eyes and as I looked around the room the rest of the guys did too, “Hi, hi baby.” He placed his hand on her cheek; she did the same with Louis’s hand on hers.

“Wait so a fan…did this to me?”  We all nodded, “Because you asked me to be your girlfriend?” she asked Louis who was lying down next to her on the bed, “Yeah, I never meant for anything to happen to you.” He said his voice breaking once again, she patted his hand, and said “Louis stop you’re blubbering. I’m fine okay. I’m just going to throw a boulder at the fan that did this to me.” She smiled an evil smile that made us all laugh, “I find it funny how you all think I’m joking.” She said which made us all stop, “Is she being serious or joking?” I heard Niall whisper to Louis who just shrugged. There was a knock on the door and Harry walked in. “Hey Hazza.” Amber giggled; he gave a small wave which was unusual for him. I took a closer look at him and saw that his eyes were puffy and red. “Harry…have you been crying?” I got up off Zayn’s lap and made my way to him; he wiped his eyes and said “Um yeah actually I have.” I took a step back, “Why?” asked Louis sitting up on the bed. “Well you know that little girl? The one with the blonde hair?” We all said yes expect Amber, “Well I was reading her a bedtime story when um,” he sniffled I knew what was coming next so I sat back down on Zayn’s lap. “She…the doctor said that she didn’t have much longer and I just wanted to make her as comfortable as I could because her mum said that she likes me and the doctor had given her an option to cut off her life support and she said yes.” He rambled on, I gasped and silent tears came out of my eyes. Niall grabbed my hand for support as Zayn held on to me. “She was falling asleep as I was reading to her and the mum…her…she told the doctor to turn it off as she was asleep…” His voice broke and his eyes shut to push the tears back, I got up off Zayn and ran to Harry as we cried together. Everyone was crying except Amber but she had a shimmer in her eye as she held Louis as he cried. We had come to the hospital fearing we would lose a life. Chance was on our side and granted Amber back to us, but in order for her to come back a life had to be taken.

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