Chapter Eight

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I was sitting on the couch with Harry watching a movie about a happy family losing a child. I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around my waist stroking my skin where my singlet had risen up. I was starting to tear up when Harry noticed. “What’s wrong? Are you crying about the movie?” I shook my head and he switched it off, by now I had tears streaming down my face. “What’s wrong?” Asked Harry getting really worried, I chocked back a sob and couldn’t speak. “Amber!” He yelled out, he removed his hand from my waist, got up and sat on the coffee table in front of me. “What Harry?” She sounded pretty annoyed but I couldn’t see because of the tears that were blurring my vision. “She’s crying…why is she crying?” I pulled my knees up to my chest and blinked the tears away.  Amber had confusion written all over her face, “I’m not sure…” she came over to me and sat beside me. “Clarissa…what’s wrong?” I gasped down so many breaths I could before I could speak. “Check….check the date.” I managed to sob out; Amber looked at me than started searching for the newspaper or anything, “Harry do you know what the date is?” she said getting up off the couch and looked around the room, “Um, no I don’t sorry but what has that got to do with her crying.” Amber groaned, “Find out the date and I’ll tell you!” Louis and Liam walked into the room and saw the chaos.

 “What’s going on?” Asked Louis walking over to Amber, she grabbed his forearms and shook him, “LOU! Do you know what the date is?” He gave her a weird look and then Liam piped up, “It’s the 13th.” Amber immediately ran over to me because I started crying again at Liam’s words. “What’s wrong with Clarissa?” said Liam and Louis in unison. Amber just rocked me back and forth as I cried my eyes out. “Today is the day….that her parents and little sister died.”  I sobbed even harder. Harry came rushing over to me and held me tight. I drenched his shirt with my tears. “Clarissa, I’m so sorry.” Liam said rushing over and sitting at my feet. “How did they die?” Louis asked Amber, I had calmed down just enough to speak, “A boating accident.” All four sets of eyes were on me. “We were driving out on a lake; I was in a tube getting dragged behind it when I hit a wave. I fell out and they started turning the boat around only….Dad didn’t see the log floating on the water. He hit it and the boat flipped.” I heard Harry and Liam suck in a breath, “I was narrowly missed by the boat and debris and was found clinging onto the body of my dead father.”

All of them stopped and stared for a while. Not saying anything though I’m pretty sure that they didn’t know what to say. I sat on the couch between Harry and Liam, Harry had his arm around my waist and Liam had his arm around my shoulders. I think that sometimes I need to just sit and cry sometimes because I usually hate crying in front of people because it makes me feel like I’m even weaker than I already look. “I’m really sorry, Clarissa….I didn’t mean….” Harry started to say than stopped because he couldn’t say the rest, I gripped his hand, “Don’t worry…I didn’t tell you—” the rest of my response was cut off by my phone ringing, I saw the caller ID and nearly started crying again, “Hey Ray,” I heard a sniffle from the other end, “Hey sweetie, how you holding up?” I started crying again into Harry’s shoulder.

Let me tell you something about Rayne…she’s like a second sister to me, beside Amber. She’s my cousin that lived with my family before….before the accident. She is the person that makes me happy again when I’m down. Both she and Amber are more friends than me but I always like telling Rayne things because she knows what to do in those situations whereas Amber just says, “I don’t know!” She has the most gorgeous long dark red hair and the perfect green eyes to match and cute little freckles over her nose making her like a little doll. She is always bubbly and excited and always plays jokes on me and Amber.

“Yeah…I’m holding up okay…” I whispered hoarsely into the phone, “Where are you and Amber? I’ll come and hang out with you.” I looked up at the boys; I forget to tell her everything that happened…opps…. “Ummmm, Ray….I’m not living with Amber anymore….” I could just see her cocking her head to the side the way a dog does when it hears something, “What do you mean?” I swallowed hard and my throat hurt I signalled Niall to get me a glass of water, “I’m living with Amber still….but we have moved houses and new people….” I heard her make a weird noise in her throat; she does that when she doesn’t understand, “I’m…Amber and I….we’re living with One Direction—”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I held the phone away from my ear but could still hear her squealing. “Rayne?” I said into the receiver, I heard her panting like an idiot, she swallowed and started asking me question in a big heap, “Is Harry as flirty as they said? Is Louis as funny as he is on the video diaries? Is Zayn as hot? OMG! Is Niall’s accent as sexy as it is when he’s singing? Is he as cute in person? What about Liam?” I just laughed and put her on loud speaker as she kept rambling on, I signalled everyone to be quite just as Niall entered with my water and Zayn. I chugged the water down, “Rayne are you still breathing? Are you even conscious?” I heard her let out a nervous giggle, I saw a piece of paper and pen on the coffee table and wrote down:

Boys, my friend is a huge fan of One Direction so I’m gonna let you guys talk to her. Just say, “Hi Rayne, we’re One Direction” then step away from the phone cause she’ll scream!

I showed them and they all nodded. I moved to the edge of the couch and placed the phone in the middle of the table and leant over it, I was about to speak when I felt a hand on my knee…I looked down and followed the arm to see….Liam’s face…Harry hadn’t noticed because Niall was making funny faces and he wasn’t trying to make a noise. I just shook it off and didn’t pay attention to his hand. “Hey Rayne, someone wants to talk to you.” I said cutting her off, I motioned to the guys and Liam counted to three and they spoke in unison, “Hi Rayne, we’re One Direction.” She squealed so loud Harry covered his ears and laughed. “How’s it going?” said Niall causing Ray to start squealing again, “Oh my god Niall I love you! Holy crap I can’t believe I just said that man I’m an idiot please just pretend I didn’t say anything!” she rambled out in one breath.

Niall just laughed, I think he likes her. I thought to myself, I gave Harry a look that explained my thoughts. He wiggled his eyebrows and I giggled. Liam’s hand on my knee tightened and I gasped quietly, I looked up at Liam and he removed his hand. “Hey, Rayne why don’t you come over? Hang out with us? We have a spare bedroom you can sleep in.” asked Louis, Rayne squeaked and then panted. “Yeah…sure.” She became really quiet. “I’ll give the driver your address and he’ll pick you up in an hour or so. Is that good?” I said to her and I heard her gasping like she needed to breathe.  “See you then Ray, can’t wait to meet you.” Said Niall causing her to squeal like crazy as Harry hung up the phone, “she seems cute,” Said Niall, I gave him a look and he blushed bright red. Everyone laughed at him and Louis grabbed his face in his hands, “aw Niall’s got a crush.” He blushed even more. Everyone laughed harder. “Are you okay?” I felt a hot breath on neck making the hair stand up, I knew it was Liam but everyone else was laughing and didn’t notice. He took my hand and pulled me away from the group and into the kitchen, “Liam what are you do—” my question was cut off by lips smashing onto mine. I pushed him away and wiped my mouth, “Wha-? What did— why did you do that?” he looked at the floor and ran his hands through his hair.

 “Liam answer my question—”

“I love you.”

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