Chapter Seven pt. 1

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Harry’s POV

I rolled over in the morning to almost squash Clarissa. Shit I forgot she was there! I thought as I quickly rolled back over to bump into….Louis?? I blinked a few times before I sat up and opened my eyes properly. Louis was sleeping beside me curled up with Amber in his arms; Clarissa was beside looking like an absolute angel. Her curly hair framed her angelic face, her lips just slightly apart. I could just kiss her there but I didn’t want to wake her. I sat up straighter and stretched to see that Niall was curled up in a little ball at the end of the bed, Zayn propped up against the bed with Liam’s head in his lap. Why the hell is everyone in my room……? And then it hit me. Clarissa had that scary nightmare last night. She woke up screaming her head off like a horror movie girl.

She woke me out of my deep sleep which is pretty hard to do, she was shaking so badly but as soon as I put my arms around her she stop shaking so violently. I heard her groan so I turned to look at her. Her eyes were fluttering as if she was trying to wake up, she started to roll over. She was going to roll off the bed! I quickly removed the sheets and blankets that surrounded me and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto my lap. I breathed out a sigh of relief. She snuggled into my chest, her hair tickling me; she wrapped her arms around my waist, now slightly awake. I looked down at her and she was looking up at me, her green eyes were specked with blue and brown. “Hi” she whispered to me smiling, “hi lovely,” I whispered back to her kissing her lips quickly, making her blush like crazy. We sat like that for a few minutes until she squirmed out of my lap, “What are you doing monkey?” I laughed at her, “Come back here.” I stayed where I was and laughed at her as she tried to detangle herself from the sheets. She crawled away and over to Niall, curled up on the edge of the bed. She giggled, “He looks so adorable.” She whispered still giggling. God I love her giggle…. “So you don’t think I’m adorable?” I said pretending to be hurt; she looked up and poked her tongue out at me. She trailed her hand down Niall’s cheek; I knew it was going to tickle him because he is the ticklish in the group. Well beside him there is Clarissa but she’s all mine to tickle.

 God that sounded bad. “Eff off Louis.” Niall groaned and stretched out his arm to swat Clarissa away, she was going to back away when she was pulled under. She let out a squeal, causing me to jump across the bed and Niall to jump up in surprise and fall off. I looked down to see that Niall had just missed Clarissa but she was lying on Liam who was awake and had her around the waist. “Mornin’ Harry.” He said very cherry. Yeah you should sound happy with my girlfriend in your lap, I thought bitterly than swore at myself for being jealous. You know that Clair likes you so stop worrying about the other guys. “What’s up? Or from your point of view I’ guess it’s what’s down?” I joked, Zayn groaned, Liam laughed and Clair rolled her eyes. “Harry you really shouldn’t make jokes.” Said Clarissa sitting up as Liam sat up; he still had her on his lap. Keep your cool, Harry just keep your cool. “It doesn’t suit you.” She brushed her fringe forward fixing it so it was sitting neatly across the top of her eyebrows. “Well then what am I good at?” I said leaning towards her, beckoning her closer with my eyes, she smiled, “I’m not sure, how about making girls swoon over you with just a smile?” She was so close, “What about the fact that you’ve won all the hearts of your fans?” I lifted an eyebrow and she giggled softly, “Well, I only want to win one heart.” I said locking my eyes on hers. She giggled again, “Well who’s heart is that?” She asked, my forehead was now touching hers, “Yours.” I leant down and kissed her on the lips ever so lightly, she responded perfectly. It was like our lips were made for each other.  I moved one hand that I was leaning on to cup her face bringing her closer….and then the next thing I know she’s not there anymore. I opened my eyes to see that Liam had Clair thrown over his shoulder, her giggling and screaming, he was starting to run out of the room. “You will never see your princess again!” I heard him cackle like an evil guy off a really bad horror movie. I calmed down realising he was mucking around. I saw Zayn get up and ran over to Liam, “We will use her to be our slave!” I was about to say something when Niall tackled me knocking me to the floor. “Uuffff.” The air left my lungs, as Niall stood up, “We will torture her with death by tickle!” He ran over and stood on the other side of Liam. Clarissa, finally catching on with what the guys were doing, out stretched her hand towards me, “Harry save me!” She squealed as Liam tickled her, I got up on all fours clutching my side, “Don’t take my princess!” The guys cackled and started running out of the room,



“SHUT UP I’M TRING TO SLEEP!!” Yelled Amber throwing a pillow at my head, I looked up to see that Louis and Amber had woken up. Louis was rubbing his hand through his hair making his bed head look worse and Amber was wearing a pair of Louis’s boxer’s and wasn’t wearing a shirt and had a black lacy bra wi—AMBER’S NOT WEARING A SHIRT!!!!! I turned my head as soon as I realised. “You’re not wearing a shirt!!” I yelled at her, I heard Amber laugh, “Come on Harry you know you love it!” She said giggling; her giggle isn’t as cute as Clarissa’s. Hers is more innocent whereas Amber’s is more….I don’t know….more demon…. “He better not love it.” Said Louis, I just shook my head, “Don’t worry mate. I don’t have eyes for your girl. I got my own.” That got me a squeal in my ear, I winced and was then pounced on, I rolled over to see Amber sitting on top of me, I covered my eye’s with my hands quickly because all I saw was black lace, she laughed, “Did you ask Clairedy Cat to be your girlfriend?” she tried to pry my hands away from my eyes, “No…” I struggled against her, but she was a strong one, “Louis! Get your stupid girlfriend off me!” I felt the weight off my chest and using one hand felt up and down to make sure she didn’t just stand up, “You can look now, Harry. She has a shirt on.” I peeked a look and saw Louis was right. I got up and walked over to the draws to grab out jeans and a checkered button down shirt.

“So did you?” Asked Amber, looking at me with hope glinting in her eyes, I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m going to. It’s not official yet. She still has to answer.” Amber squealed and jumped up and down, Louis was holding her but instantly let her go, afraid of getting hurt. “You should just ask her, no wait you should just walk up to her and say,” She paused for a dramatic effect, “Hey babe you are now my girlfriend.” She tried to do a guy voice but failed miserably. “Never do that again.” Said Louis slipping his arm around her waist, “I don’t want to do it like that, she’s too fragile for me to just walk up to her and do that. I want to do it romantically.” Amber pouted a little bit, I just shrugged at her. I stripped off my sweatpants and changed into my jeans. “I want it to be special.” I said doing the fly up, “Like what Louis did for you.” I pulled the shirt on, “I’m going to go and get my princess back.” I walked past Louis and Amber, “well, be careful, I heard that they had dragons.” Joked Amber as I stopped at the door, “Ha, ha very funny.” I poked my tongue at her and she did the same, “get going Romeo.” Said Louis placing his head on Amber’s shoulder. I smiled at him and walked out of the room….but only to run into…..CLARISSA! She had shock written all over her face as well as I did. “Did…Did you hear…” I turned my head towards the room I just walked out of, “Hear any—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence because she grabbed my face and kissed me. I stood shocked for a while then my hands went to her waist, a familiar spot.  She broke the kiss and said one word. “Yes.”

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