If you changed than I must be a unicorn

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he said breathlessly as he gave me a small smile. Although I haven't seen him since the dinner, which was a few weeks ago, I still felt like it was just yesterday. Fourth of July was coming up next week a long with my birthday and I knew that's why he was here. Every year before my birthday, he always came and gave me my present early because he knew on my birthday, I would ignore him like he is the plague. I know this seems rude but when he asked me out, it was on my birthday so its like our anniversary, that's why I dread and love my birthday, its a reminder of him, but than its my birthday and I love it.

"So what are you doing here?"

I asked the obvious question even though I already knew the answer to it. He sighed as he took a step closer, there is still a safe distance between us the action was not necessary.

"I think you know why, no need to ask."

he stated as he went over to the living room, I followed him and he picked up a small box that was sitting on the coach, along with a bouquet of red roses.


Was all I could say as I grabbed the roses and the small box and walked to the kitchen and placed the box on the counter while I was cutting an inch off each stem.

"You know I came by to also say I want a second chance,"

"You don't deserve one,"

I stated coldly as a kept cutting the stems but with more a more agressive action. I can't believe he has the nerve to ask for a freaking chance, he doesn't deserve one and he will never get it.

"I know you still feel it, even if it's faint."

He stated and I just rolled my eyes as I turned around to face him but immediately jumped back due to how close he came to me. he put both his hands on either side of me and leaned closer to my ear, my heart accelerated and my breath became uneven but I stopped feeling the butterflies and tingles a long time ago.

"I know you still have the smallest reaction to me and I'm taking that as a sign that I still have a small chance"

He whispered as he leaned back and tried giving me a kiss but I moved my head and he sighed.

"I've changed Pay I promise,"

I pushed him away and walked towards the other side of the kitchen to get a vase,

"If you changed than I must be a unicorn,"

I said sarcastically with a straight face as I walked passed him, placed the flowers in the vase, filled it with water, and placed it on the counter as I walked back out, grabbing the box on my way out.

"There's the door, use it."

I said as I rushed up to my room not wanting to hear anything else he had to say. I heard the door close as I reached the top of the stairs. I sighed and tossed the box off to the side as I headed to the bathroom to take a long needed bath. once I was done I changed into some sweats and a tshirt as I grabbed the box and opened it. Inside the box was a beautiful snowflake necklace with a small note that read

a small chance is still a chance

I sighed as I closed the box and dumped it in my junk drawer as I walked out of the room to go and watch some tv with Oli.

its been 4 hours of just sitting here and watching tv when I felt my phone vibrate.

hey :))

It was from Kaylee! I honestly was excited to hear from her as I sent a fast reply back

hey :)

wanna go to the movies tonight? We can watch Frozen

OMG YES!!! my address is 123 Franklin Dr

I quickly popped up from the couch and raced to get ready as Oli didnt even spare a second glance. I grabbed some galaxy leggings, a plain white vneck, and my black combat boots as I heard the doorbell ring. I raced down the steps and opened the door to see Kaylee in jeans and a galaxy tshirt with sandals on.

"hahaha we practically wore the opposite of each other"

Kaylee laughed as we headed to her Jeep and headed to the movie. I was honestly very excited to watch this movie. Once we arrived we bought our tickets and our snacks, and headed into the theatre as we made our way to the middle and sat down.

"oh my boyfriend is joining us so he should be here in a little bit"

Kaylee stated as she gave me a small smile, I returned the smile and nodded as we got comfortable. After 20 mins her boyfriend still hasnt arrived and she got super antsy as she bounced her leg up and down in a fast motion.


Her phone went off as she quickly grabbed it out and read the text

"my boyfriend cant make it anymore, he said his friend is really sick and he has to take care of him"

she said sadly as she frowned at the phone and than at me, I gave her a reassuring smile and told her

"no worries we can have a girls night!"

I said happily as the movie started and we were both entranced.

Lucas POV

What is Pay doing here!!

I thought as I arrived at the movie theatre and saw Kaylee sitting next to Pay. They were smiling and laughing as I stood here frozen in fear not knowing what to do. I whipped out my phone and sent Kaylee a messege saying a friend was sick and that I couldnt make it. I looked up and saw Kaylee whip out her phone then frown. I felt bad for lying but I couldnt be seen.

"Excuse me sir, please take your seat, the movie is about to start"

A women said as I turned around and saw that she worked at the movie theatre. I knew this was a terrible idea but I nodded and headed for a seat far, far from them.

After about an hour into the movie I got up as slowly and quietly as I could as I hunched over and made my way for the door. Once safely out I let go a sigh of relief that I didnt know I was holding in as I smirked and made my way to the door to go outside.

007 can kiss my a-



I turned around to be once again stunned by her beauty, I felt the tingles as I sighed and said

"Hey Pay"

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