Camp Out

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Charlie asks and I look over at her with an incredulous look.

"You were the one that suggested we do this in the first place! Plus what are the chances it happens tonight the night we decide to camp out? It's very slim. If they really are after someone in the school and they already messed up twice, who's to say they wont be more aggressive a third time? I would think they would want it to be done for sure on the third time," I rambled as we walked further into the school, heading straight for the theatre room which had the most space to camp out in. The theatre professor is usually a strict person, but this past year he warmed up to Kels and plays favorites with her. No teacher should play favorites, but with Kels its either you do or you face her wrath. 

"Well I hope you don't mind, I called some people to keep us company because I realized how bad of an idea this is," She rushes out as she offers a small smile before zooming ahead. I gave her a quizzical look before following after her. The theatre room door was open and the light filtered out as voices rang out of the room. I walked up slower, my steps cautious as I neared the door and peaked in. The room had open floor space with chairs pushed up against the wall and random props scattered all over the room. In the center of the room were the culprits making noise and the people I didn't want to see at all. I tried not to make it so obvious that I didn't want them there, but judging by the looks on their faces, I wasn't trying hard enough. 

"So, this will be fun," Oli says as he smiles and I give me a leveled stare.

"You didn't have to come. The chances of the culprit coming the night we decide to stay here is slim. You should have just stayed home," I stated and I shifted my stare to the idiot sitting on the floor with a black eye and a scabbed over cut on his lip that had a bruise around it, "You shouldn't have even thought of coming. The fact that you thought it was going to be okay proves how stupid you are."

Luca just offers a soft smile, one filled with the apology he was probably dying to say and his eyes filled with the promise of a talk later. I resisted the urge to smile at such a sincere face. I wont deny that I miss Luca. He might have cheated me, he might have broken my heart, but is it so wrong to still miss him? I quickly set my stuff down next to Charlie and excused myself. All the feelings of seeing Luca again got the best of me. I walked out the room and decided to take a walk around the school.

"Its exciting right? The mystery of the burning schools," I heard from behind as I turn around to see Oli and Marcus. I turn back around, not bothering to slow down or stop for them. I nodded my head in reply, still angry at them, but at the same time I'm tired. I want my brother back, I want Marcus back, I want everything to go back to how it used to be.

"You know the chance of them coming tonight is very likely," I glance over at Marcus who has a smirk on his face. He has known me for such a long time, its not hard to guess where he is getting at. Oli popped his head from around Marcus with a knowing smirk.

"It's not hard to figure out the person starting the fires is aiming for someone from the boys baseball academy. Tonight happens to be their tradition of playing a late, friendly game of baseball and sleeping in the gym after. The culprit is someone from the same academy as well, so we have to keep a watchful eye," I explained. Marcus and Oli just nodded their head, probably drawing the same conclusion as I did earlier. J and AJ are in danger and could be the one the pyro is targeting. J did get trapped in the fire with Spitz, so its not too far out of a guess.

"We should call the police about your suspicions," Marcus informed and I nodded my head to Oli knowing fully well what he did.

"I already did it. I called the police and our body guards a while ago when I first heard Pay wanted to stay the night here. It wasn't hard to figure out why she wanted to stay here," He shrugs and I simply keep walking until we reach the end of the hall. Once you exit these doors, its a little ways before you hit the baseball field. I turn to the left and take the stairs leading up the roof.

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