Saying Goodbye to Spider-man

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I kept on yelling this at them hoping that maybe if I yell it loud enough and many times, that it can get through their thick skulls, processed in their brain, so they can actually stop. There has been no such luck in the last 5 minutes of this fight, which has felt closer to an hour. Spider-man seems to be getting the upper hand right now, as he is on top of Robin, punching and punching and punching. I didnt want to get hurt myself, but I felt like I need to do something, and I knew this was going to hurt more than pancaking and diving does to save a ball. I took a few steps back as I waited until he struck Robin, before he could lift up his hand for another punch, I sprinted towards him and tackled him to the floor. His elbow collided with my cheek, and his head banged my forehead when we landed. I groaned as he moaned and Robin did a mixture. Safe to say, we were all in some serious pain.

"You need to leave."

I stated as I looked at Robin. I was surprised my voice wasnt hoarse from the pain shooting up my side from landing on the floor. Robin simply turned his body towards us and I assume he is looking at me but I couldnt tell.

"Are you okay Payton?"

He asked as he got up, looked down on me, and extended a hand out to me. I nodded my head as I pushed myself off the floor, not wanting to take his hand after he fought my spiderman. He dropped his hand to his side and stood there for a moment just staring at me. I inspected him and saw blood all over him, a mixture of his and spidermans, and a few tears in his costume. He turned around and walked out in a staggering walk.

"I hate him."

I whipped around and saw spiderman getting up and slowly making his way back to me, still staggering and wincing. I quickly walked the short 3 steps to him and helped him to the counter where I leaned him against where the medical kit was.

"I'm sorry, I shouldnt have followed through with the fight,"

He stated, his voice deep, rugged, and hoarse. I couldnt hold back the small shiver as I took a deep breath and shook my head slightly. I couldnt meet his eyes as I focused on his wounds that started to bleed again, I grabbed a towel and turned the sink on. I dabbed the towel in the warm water and started to slowly clean off his chest. I forgot he was shirtless and had no pants on until I got to the waistband of his underwear. I blushed a deep red and gave him the rag to finish as I grabbed the neosporin and bandaids and started applying them to the bigger wounds.

"You shouldnt be sorry, why were you guys fighting anyway?"

I couldnt hold back the question any longer. I know Robin yelled something about staying away from "her," but who's the her? Maybe my spiderman had a little moment with another girl. This thought made my heart clench slightly but I forced a small smile as I finished and patted his chest softly.

"you can get changed,"

I said softly and heard him shuffle around as I put away the stuff I used and threw away my trash. I sighed and continued to put everything back inside the kit and under the kitchen sink. I turned back around to see Spiderman standing there in his full suit and I sighed with a slight smile on my face knowing he wont answer my previous question.

"I guess the mystery wont die huh?"

I asked and I heard him sigh out as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against him making me gasp in surprise. I rested my arms around his neck and tightly squeezed him back

"Why are you so wonderful? I feel like I dont deserve you,"

I shook my head slightly and squeezed him a little bit tighter. How could he say that? I dont even know this guy and I already feel a connection to him that is undeniable that its a little scary.

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