Spiderman kills an innocent

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"hey, hey, hey!"

James says fast as he slaps spiderman lightly on the cheek, but all Spiderman is doing is laughing and humming a random beat. James sighed and tried hitting him again but Spiderman did nothing but laugh and hum.

"Wait, where did my base go?!"

Spiderman whined when James stopped hitting him, I realized he was calling the slapping base to his song he was humming. I rolled my eyes as I looked around us and saw no one even bothering to see whats happening over here.

"Okay get up, come on"

I said as I reached down and grabbed his arm, sending a little warmth up my fingertips. I leaned back as I used all my weight and all my strength to get him up. The good news is I lifted him up, but the bad news is that instead up staying up, all his weight shifted to me which made me fall back and hit the concrete. Hard.

"Oh my Goodness, you weigh more than my brother!"

I groan as his weight makes me have trouble taking full breaths. He starts to laugh as he spreads his arms out wide and hugs me.

"I love you, Spidey Girl!"

I felt the flutters in my stomach maximize as I gave James a look telling him to heave this hunk off me. James swats AJ and they both come and help Spiderman up as Jamie and Alex each give me a hand to help me up. I gratefully take both and they heave me up as the boys have a hand around Spiderman helping him stay up.

"What the hell happened to him?"

Alex voices and I shrug. I wanted to ask him but I had a feeling he wouldnt be able to answer in this condition.

 "I dont know but I dont think he will be much help if we ask."

As if to confirm my comment, Spiderman starts to dance and sing a song about how Iron man and Hawkeye are his best friends in the whole world, forever and ever. Alex giggles as Jamie joins. I wanted to, but I was too busy worrying about whether he's okay or not.

"Lets take him back to the party. We can clean him up and get him sober there."

The boys nod as they turn around and we start walking. The walk was about a 15 minute walk and to be honest? It seemed longer with the way Spiderman was acting.

"Hey Spidey girl.... Spidey Girl... SPIDEY GIRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLL"


I all but screamed at him as AJ and James let go of him since he seemed to be walking straighter as we were maybe half way there.

"You're beautiful."

He states as his face under his masks seems to shift, I can only assume into a smile. I blushed as I whispered a thank you and we continued on. We came up to a house with lawn flamingos, which is weird since no one buys those but... these people apparently. Spiderman's head snapped to the flamingos and he immediately came up to me and pulled me towards him. I felt a blanket of warmth surround me as tingles shot up my waist where his hands lay.

"Dont worry my love, I shall protect you!"

My dazed expression quickly melted into one of confusion as I looked around and saw no one around but us.

"I dont see anyone. Who are you-"

"SHHH dont worry"

He interrupted me and jumped away as he stumbled and did weird rolls to the flamingos before tackling one and breaking the leg off as he pokes a hole in the chest and does the same to the other two next to it. I was shocked and on the verge of howling in laughter as he finished "slaying his enemies" which in reality, they were just innocent bystanders to a weird drunk boy. Alex and Jamie were already busting up laughing, followed shortly by the boys laughter. I couldnt contain it anymore as I let my laughter slip, which immediately got the attention of Spiderman. His body physically relaxed as he walked over to me and draped his arm around my waist, guiding me toward the direction of the party, a few houses down.

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