Lies Unfold

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Sleeping has been my escape for the past few days. I wanted to bounce back and not show him how hurt I was by the fact that I fell for him even though he didn't feel the same. This was the first time I was rejected and it didn't feel good. I don't put myself out there or have guys lining up to go out with me, but this is still the first rejection I have felt, but this is the second heart break. I haven't left my room yet, only leaving to use the bathroom, but the food and drinks were brought to me. Surprisingly it was Oliver doing all the cooking and serving, he's offered to buy whatever I need. Last time this happened it was Kels who stayed in the room with me and Oliver was out finding Peter and ruining his life. This seemed to be the exact opposite: Kels was no where in sight, only coming in whenever Oliver was gone to the store, but as soon as he came back, she walked back out. I didn't question who was taking care of me, I was just happy one of them were.

I stared at the ceiling, being up for the last few hours. I didn't want to keep sulking, I didnt want to keep sleeping away the days. He didn't like me back, it's not the end of the world. I'm just so hurt I had to find out this way. I think it would have hurt less if he just told me he didn't like me like that. It definitely would have avoided the humiliation I felt. School starts in a couple of weeks and I already know people will be talking about this. That girl saw everything, probably heard everything. He was the guy the rumors were talking about, the guy that has had his girlfriend come out of his room at late hours of the night or odd hours in the early morning. It's not rocket science to figure out what they were doing in there.

He had kissed me though, it wasn't me who initiated the kisses all the time, he kissed me back and started it at times. Was he just playing with me? His girlfriend and him were probably going through a rough patch and I was conveniently there for him to play with. Maybe I was a distraction or a way to waste time. Whatever his reasons were to string me along, it made me angry, beyond angry. I felt like screaming and punching something. I felt like kicking something with everything I had. I sat up and looked around my room. I quickly got up and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair out. I put it up in a pony tail and ran out to change. I put on black spandex, a red shirt, and black crew socks. I grabbed my knee pads and stuffed them in my gym bag. I stuffed an extra change of clothes, a towel, my court shoes, flip flops, and put my toiletries in there.

I raced downstairs, not wanting to stay in this house any longer. The anger pumped through my veins, it made me fidgety, full of energy I had to get rid of somehow. I opened the fridge and grabbed out a few fruits and stuffed them in the bag. I grabbed a water bottle and stuffed it in there. I closes the fridge and jogged out to the entry way. I put on my running shoes and quickly jogged out the house. I didn't leave behind a note, I didn't tell anyone where I was going, but at this point I didn't care.

I jogged until I reached a main street, the sun was just rising, the sky cast into orange, red, and light blue hues. I hailed a cab and gave him the address. I waited patiently, my legs bouncing up and down wanting him to go faster. The early morning traffic was going to start soon, it lasted from 6 until 8. Everyone racing to get to work and clock in before they are late and receive points or a warning. I waited, lost in my thoughts as the cab slowed to multiple stops, each time making me think we had arrived. I was disappointed to see that we were still on the road, stopping because of red lights or stop signs. After a few minutes we had stopped and I looked up eagerly to see the big building. I hopped out and handed the money over, racing to the front doors. No cars were outside, but I knew the custodians were still here. With only a couple weeks until the halls were flooded with students, they had to make sure everything was groomed and cleaned. I opened the doors and raced through the halls, exiting the far end and racing to the gym. I opened the door, closing it and looking around. This was home.

I set my stuff down on the floor next to the bleachers and opened the closet to get the volleyball poles and nets out. I quickly set up the nets and went back to get the machine for hitting and for digging. I set them up and walked back to cart out the four baskets filled with volleyball balls. I left the gym and walked through a small hall to the fitness center. I smiled at the equipment and felt my insides humming. This is what I needed.

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