It's Only for the Summer.....

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Mrs. Kogane turned around in the passenger seat to her son, who sat angrily across the backseat of the car. He took his earbuds out. "What?"

She sighed. "You don't need to be so angry about it. It's a summer job- that's what all kids your age do. It's only for a couple of weeks and you'll make friends- it'll fly by."

Keith turned to look back out the window. They were roughly thirty minutes from camp and they had been driving for two hours. The view for the past ten minutes had been nothing but fields and cows. Fields and cows. Only now was it begining to turn to mountains and forests.


Mr. McClain looked over to his son, who hadn't said anything for the past hour. He turned the radio down and spoke.

"You know Lance. This is a really great opportunity for you."

Lance snorted, "Yeah right. You just want me out of the house."

His father was silent. "Well, it might be nice."

Lance threw his hands in the air, exasperated. "That's just what this is- mutiny! I'm your son! You're supposed to want me."

"No. You're supposed to move out and get a life. You're sixteen, Lance. It's time to get a real summer job."

Lance huffed and slouched in his seat, watching the mountains grow closer. Before long, the road turned to packed dirt and gravel and the forest grew apart to a large wooden overhang reading, CAMP VOLTRON.

The families parked and sent their sons away, telling them to have a good time and write to them every week. Each boy made their way to the main lodge for C.I.T orientation. Keith arrived thirty minutes early- Lance just barely grabbed a seat. He was handed a shirt. About thirty other teens sat in the lodge with shirts reading "Counselor in Training." It was then, as he pulled his shirt on, over his head that he caught a glimpse of something that made him freeze. Right in front of him, hair tied back in a ponytail was his mulleted rival- Keith Kogane.

Camp Voltron- A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now