Pack Challenges

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The next day flew by. The Red and Blue Packs also spent time with Green Pack, but they had yet to be in an activity with all three. The opportunity presented itself the very next evening at dinner. Shiro stood in the center of the dining hall. 

"Campers! Can I have your undivided attention for a minute?" He waited before continuing, "Group packs will be competing in a scavenger hunt tonight! Everyone must have a flashlight and everyone should stay on the paths. Search anywhere on the camp grounds, but you must have a counselor with you. Each pack will be searching for these painted statues. They have been hidden around the grounds, in trees, and behind lodges.The hunt ends tonight at 9, when you hear the air horn. Everyone will meet here to have their findings tallied.   Each pack must travel with their counselor as a whole. The statues will be counted for each grade division and a prize will be awarded to the winning pack for the shapes, colors, and numbers! Everyone clean up and meet outside with your pack and counselor to begin."

The campers grabbed their flashlights and brought their dishes to the front window of the kitchen before making their way to the porch of the dining hall. Lance was busy psyching up his campers, while Keith gave his pack a calm pep talk about the importance of keeping a winning streak and dominating the other color packs. At precisely 8, the packs rushed out to find the hidden statues. 

Keith's red pack ran stealthily in the shadows and headed straight for the wooded trails. Lance's pack wandered around the common green, no plan in their head whatsoever. It was fifteen minutes in, with no success that Lance's campers started scheming....

Keith's kids had located three statues, hidden in trees and on the trails. They had not caught sight of any other packs for quite some time and stopped in a fork in the road.

"The trail sign points this way, but there doesn't look like there's a path..." Keith mused. His campers paused, shining their lights down the grassy hill to the small creek that cut the mud away at the bottom. After a moment's thought, the red pack descended down the hill, legs and arms running through the foliage.

Lance stood confused, his campers hid with him behind a clump of trees. They had turned their lights off. Once they saw the red pack lights descend at the bottom of the hill, they crept past and ran down the trail, laughing when they reached the cabins and picked up several statues. The air horn sounded and every pack returned to the porch to have their statues tallied. 


When Keith heard the air horn, his pack climbed back up the hill. Some of the kids complained that they were itchy. Keith asked if they had applied bug spray, and they admitted that they had not in a while, but Keith knew that he did for sure, but he was itchy as well- it was burning almost.

Allura asked the group for their statues and marked down the four statues found in total on her clipboard before she looked up to see the kids scratching themselves. She looked at Keith,

"Keith- did you stay on the path?" 

He looked confused, "Yeah. We followed the signs..."

Shiro stalked behind Keith and stood next to Allura. "Someone changed the direction of the sign. It appears from the state of the grass, that some campers may have trailed down to the creek and-" He stopped to look at the red pack.

Allura's face darkened. "Poison ivy. You are all covered in poison ivy." She sighed.


Lance had been walking by when he heard Allura tell Keith's pack that they had all been infected. It was then he put it all together and rushed over to his pack and whispered, harshly.

"Did you guys change the signs?!"

His kids giggled to themselves. 

"No- not funny guys." He looked around to see if anyone was around. "Red pack got poison ivy."

The kids stopped laughing. Oh. 

Shrio walked up to Lance who straightened immediately. 

"So it seems that there might have been some foul play at work tonight... any idea as to how the red pack got poison ivy?"

The kids were silent and looked away from Shiro. He looked to Lance, who spoke. "Well, I didn't see anything, but I suspect that it was my kids who changed a sign and led red pack astray..."

Shiro nodded. "Alright." 

Lance thought that he was off the hook, but Shiro continued, "Your team will clean the dining hall for free time this week."

The campers looked guilty. Lance turned around to address the kids. "You heard him. Cleaning the dining hall this week." 

Shrio straightened. "That includes you too, Lance."

Lance's face dropped. The group groaned and Lance didn't blame them.


Back in the Health Bay next door, a line of itchy kids and Keith stood on the ramp outside the door, getting attacked by moths that swarmed the light. Coran seemed to still be in a jovial mood as he seated everyone inside and handed each boy a warm, wet rag from a basin to wash the oil off and clean up before applying topical antihistamine and wrapping arms legs, chests, and a few face in gauze. The pack returned defeated to their cabins, where they brushed their teeth and crashed.

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