Pidge the Magnificent

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Busses offloaded about 200 boys in the span of ten minutes and the kids were corralled into the dining hall for lunch. Shiro stood on a chair and everyone fell silent. He explained to the kids that their wristbands had their packs on them and went over some general rules. Most of the kids listened intently, but Keith was distracted by two boys whispering, asking why Shiro had a scar across his face. To be honest, Keith didn't know either. He was curious, but said nothing to the boys, just shrugging. They weren't in his pack according to their black bracelets with stars printed on the band.

After setting up at the campsite, Lance gathered his pack after lunch and brought them to the lake, following the signs. He made sure that his kids applied sunscreen and helped the lakefront counselor tighten the kids into their life vests. Lance seemed popular among his kids. He was essentially, a giant lanky kid himself. He raced the boys in canoes and ended up knocking his sunglasses into the lake, making him curse.

Keith watched his kids rock climb on an artificial outdoor wall. He had the opposite effect of Lance. The boys seemed uninterested with Keith, which he didn't seem to mind much, seeing as he found kids, middle schoolers especially, vile creatures. He did however talk with some of the boys who sat with him under the tree to drink water and found that there were some cool kids.

After a short break, the groups headed through a trail into the forests, making sure to follow the signs and stay on the path. Stepping away from the path was never a good idea. 

Lance was singing a song, his kids repeating. He finished just as he caught sight of Keith's pack waiting on the course ground. He stopped and glared at Keith.

"Problem?" Keith asked, raising an eyebrow.

The kids noticed the tension and whispered to each other. Lance responded, "No- not at all."


The teen named Pidge got everyone's attention by blowing their whistle. Pidge was short, with blonde hair and round wire glasses. They appeared agile and fast. All the boys quieted down. They explained the rules for what the kids had heard for perhaps the seventh time since the morning, but they seemed to still have questions. Pidge explained "the wall" challenge.

"Okay red and blue packs! You will be competing head to head in this first challenge."

Lance and Keith snuck glances at one another. 

Pidge continued. "You can get over the wall by lifting each other up and over, or pulling your teammates up from the platform on the back of the wall at the top.... or you can do this-"

They turned and bolted at the wall, running up the tilted slope and grabbing hold at the top, flipping themselves over effortlessly. All the kids were impressed and murmured to each other that that's what the were going to do. Pidge laughed, satisfied with themself. They spoke once more, grabbing the kids' attention. "But- you are not allowed to do this-" They said as they back flipped from the wall. The kids were awestruck once again by the acrobat counselor. "And of course, you can use your counselors to help. Remember, everyone must get over the wall. You can only have up to three people from your team at the top at a time. You can climb down the ladder in the back and take a seat on the bench here to watch your team win."

Keith had anticipated getting a break, but that was apparently not in the cards at this camp.

Lance meanwhile had begun cracking his knuckles and his neck, stretching himself out and getting ready for the challenge. Keith narrowed his eyes and called his kids into a huddle. Lance saw the tactic and quickly copied the move.



"We need to beat the red pack."

"Blue pack is going down."

"We need to be efficient."

"We need to be faster."

"When Pidge blows that whistle, we're sending each other up so fast we'll all be sitting on the bench watching Lance's Pack -err blue pack- sending their kids up."

Lance smirked. "We are going to show those red pack dweebs who's boss."

Pidge cleared their throat and blew the whistle. The teams ran to the wall and began shouting, lifting their members up the wall and pulling up their teammates. Keith's team realized that they needed to get Keith up while they had enough manpower on the ground and Keith could pull the kids up.

The method was effective. Three kids remained on the ground on Keith's side and Lance was still lifting kids, but he was hoisting up the last one. Suddenly, it dawned on him that unless he could do what Pidge did, he was stuck. No way could three eighth grade pull up 6 feet 2 inches of lanky teen. 

Keith was about to run down the ladder in the back and tag the bench his team sat on. He was surprisingly engrossed in the game when it came to beating Lance.

Lance took a step back and his team cheered for him. He saw Keith turning around, so he launched himself at the wall, hitting it with his full body, his team barely grabbing his arm as they pulled him up. Lance's shoes barely grasped the wooden boards, but he made it up and everyone rushed down to the benches, tagging it a second after Keith. The red team had won.

Pidge's whistle blew, and the teams looked around for the leader, who was hanging upside down in a tree. "Remember kids. No hanging or climbing the trees." They flipped off onto the ground.

After another hour of games, (they played as a whole pack to Lance's disappointment) Pidge announced that it was time for dinner and then opening campfire and they walked backwards, talking to the excited kids. Occasionally, they did a cartwheel or showed the kids how they jumped and grabbed a branch to swing from that was easily six feet taller that the short counselor. 

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