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A/N: I will miss you all. You have been such great readers and helped me so much. I never tell anyone that they have to or should subscribe, but I will be making a school sequel in the fall, if there is enough interest. Farewell my babes.

The campers hugged their counselors and lifted their packs and suitcases onto the buses before hauling off to their home pick-up locations. Lance took Keith's hand and they walked to the main cabin where months ago they spent went through the training that would ultimately put them together.

Allura smiled at them. "You two look a little down."

"Yeah." Keith said, looking down to the ground.

They took their seats and listened to the closing address. CIT's were dismissed to be picked up and Senior Counselors would hang back and do cleanup and repairs on the campus before heading home the next evening.

After the address, they stood outside of the main cabin by the dusty rock road where their parents stood, smiling. They let go of each other's hands. Welcome back to the real world.

They loaded the trunks of the cars in silence and sat in the backseats, looking at each other through the windows as their cars pulled away and took off.

Keith's phone buzzed. Lance had sent a text:

"I want to linger, a little linger. A little longer here with you."

Keith set his phone, face down and stayed quiet, listening to his music for the rest of the trip.


When the Koganes got home, it was nearly 7 and the sky was getting darker. Keith picked up his phone and texted Lance,

"It's such a perfect night.
It doesn't seem quite right."

Lance replied.

"That this should be
My last with you."

Keith set down his phone. Lance set down his phone. The boys turned off their lights and looked up at the painted ceilings above their beds. In just a week, September would arrive and school would start. Would they stay together or had the magic of camp run out. They hummed to themselves to comfort the loneliness the felt in the dark:

And come September,
I will remember,
Our camping days,
Of friendships true.

And as the years go by,
I'll think of you and sigh.
This is good night
And not good bye.


A/N: Goodnight, babes. Thank you for being amazing. Let me know what you thought <3

Camp Voltron- A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now