The Attic

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The days following the caving trip passed by in slow, hot days, filled with zip lines, canoeing, jumping in the pool, and plenty of crafts, where the packs were today.

The kids were learning how to make hemp bracelets, excitedly talking to each other as they braided the thick strands. Keith and Lance sat on the wooden floor of the stone lodge, braiding the hemp strands that Keith kept under the clip of his clipboard, and Lance had duct-tapped to his leg. The boys worked in silence, enjoying each other's company. A few inches in to his bracelet, Lance pulled out a plastic bag from his backpack and took out the ball of clay, wrapped in a wet paper towel.

"You've been keeping that this whole time?" Keith asked.

Lance nodded and rolled it around in his hand, breaking apart small sections and rolling them into tiny little spheres. Lance looked up, "I'm making beads for your bracelet."

Keith looked away, trying not to smile like a dumb kid. So Lance had the same idea. Keith cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm making you one, so I guess it's fair."

Lance grinned and shook his head, weaving in silence with Keith until he brought his beads over to the art counselor to be fired in the kiln.

The kids worked on their bracelets and sang over the radio. Lance pulled out his clay beads from the kiln and glazed them before finishing them with another bake.

Keith was glad that Lance was busy- it gave him time to work on his bracelet. Keith was using a wood burning stamp on a curved piece of pine he was putting over the center of the band. After burning himself a few times, he got the words stamped into the wood.

The boys finished their projects. Lance tucked the bracelet away in his pocket, and Keith made sure to hide Lance's bracelet in the back pocket of his pants, as the art counselor turned the camper's attention to another activity, this time involving copious amounts of paint. The pair was relieved that it seemed to be bottles of acrylic paint as opposed to the tins of wall primer they had battled before.

The art room as it seemed, has a few more surprises for the boys. While grabbing crates of paint, Keith discovered a ladder nailed to the wall beside the shelves right into the attic. Yep. Lance was trying to hand out supplies but upon being mobbed by kids had turned to holding bottles of paint just out of reach.

Finally, one camper kicked him in the groin and took the bottle of paint. Lance looked up. Keith smirked. "Hey, Lance whatcha doin on the floor?"
Lance scowled. "Shut up, Kogane." He dusted himself off.

The art counselor had since taken over. Keith set down the supplies. "Well, we're not needed here, but there's some inventory in the closet."
Lance sighed, "Fine. let's go."
He grinned to himself before flipping in the light.

The art closet had no door. It did, however, have a window with a shelf where kids would come and pester them for supplies. Lance frowned again. "So what do we inventory?" Keith leaned back against the open doorframe. "Well, let's see- 50 kids, 2 counselors, 1 attic, and 25 minutes."

Lance nodded. "Yep. Okay. So we put the kids in the attic." Lance grinned at his own remark but followed quickly.

Up in the attic, the pair felt around for a light switch of any kind. Lance spoke in the dark, "Hey I have an idea." Keith turned to Lance's voice followed by a click. A lightbulb hung over Lance's head. He was grinning again. "Get it? Because an idea, and like-"
"-a light switch."  Keith finished. He wished that he could pretend to be annoyed, but lost and eventually smiled and tolled his eyes, moving in for a kiss.
Keith felt Lance's hand drop along his back to his pocket. Keith pulled away for a second to fetch out the bracelet. "Here. It's totally dumb, but I figured if you ever get stung by a bunch of bees, someone may get a laugh when they find you body."
Lance laughed, reading the wooden plate. "I don't fuck with bees." He read, "nice." He reached into his own pocket and fetched out his own project. "This is even dumber, but here. The clay for the beads is from the cave."
Keith tied the cord around his wrist, "awww, are we best friends now?"
Lance nodded his head. "Maybe with a few benefits."
Keith moved back in, touching the side of Lance's face to kiss deeper.
Kissing turned almost into groping. They took a second to breathe. Lance smiled. "Keith a Kogane... you like me." Keith rested his forehead on Lance's- he could t be angry. He was hot. The attic was stuffy, but he wanted nothing else.
Keith replied. "Yes Lance, I do." Lance kissed him again before speaking one last time. "Of course, who doesn't love me?"
To this Keith rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Lance to the ground, quickly following and taking the time to kiss deeper. Keith paused. Lance looked up. "Don't stop."
Keith shook his head, "I want to continue, but I need you to say it. That's how consent works."
Lance looked Keith in the eyes, "Good. I want you."

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