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A week had passed, blue pack finish their chores, did a sloppy job the first day, and Shiro made them miss half of their rock climbing session to redo the work. Red pack had since recovered from the poison ivy. Relations between the two packs were not good, putting green pack in an awkward situation when they played kickball.

On Friday, blue and red packs had challenge course together. Though no one in blue pack had snitched on who changed the signs, Keith's pack had a pretty good idea, resulting in a disagreement that got physical. Lance's kid got a mouth full of mulch after a red pack kid shoved him off of a crate. A few punches got thrown at each other, but Keith and Lance quickly ripped the kids off of each other. Pidge jumped between the struggling boys.

"Hey guys, leave it for capture the flag -"

They got all the boy's attention and Keith and Lance let go of their campers. One of the campers spoke, "Capture the flag?"

Pidge looked uncomfortable

"Yeah - you're not supposed to know... yet. Shiro is announcing it tonight. Green, blue, and red pack are competing tomorrow morning. You're getting your shirts tonight at dinner."

One of the campers turned to Keith, "Did you guys know about this?"

Keith and Lance shook their heads. "First we're hearing about it."

Pidge laughed, catching the boys off guard. 

"Well I guess you can start plotting, because it's your free time now." They looked at their watch and the campers grabbed their water bottles.

Keith walked ahead of his pack, Lance, with a guilty conscience, bounded forward, matching Keith's strides. 

"So Keith- I was thinking. We really don't want another incident- why not call a true, you know? End the day on a good note."

Keith made sure to scratch his arm, as he pretended to think about it. "Yeah okay." He offered his hand to Lance and they shook on the deal.

One of Keith campers tugged on the edge of Keith's shirt. Keith stopped and crouched down. The kid cupped his hand to Keith's ear.

"What did you do that for?!" he hissed.

Keith turned to the boy and calmly replied, "Truce only lasts until midnight."

The boy grinned suddenly and ran to meet back up with the group that had continued walking.

Camp Voltron- A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now