Closing Campfire

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Finally, Friday evening rolled around the campers had their bags packed so that they would be ready in the morning. They had their sleeping bags and bedding still laid out on their beds and a pair of fresh clothes for sleeping and the morning, but everything else was tidy and put away. It was a sight that Keith though the couldn't wait for back almost three months ago in June- a sight that meant that camp would be over and he could go home and sleep and eat Taco Bell and masturbate and whatever, but camp had become his new home: his new normal.

Lance walked down the rows of his kid's bunk beds and listened to them talk excitedly about the campfire. A moment ago, all of the kids went out and grabbed sticks for the campfire that they would throw in after having the opportunity to say something. Lance let his kids mess around and walked out and around the back of his cabin where Keith was sitting up in a hammock.

Lance swiped a stick from the ground and sat next to him.

"You know, just because the summer ends- doesn't mean that we have to."

Keith looked at his faded boots and kept swinging lightly. "Home is a different world."

Lance was silent. "Here." He said, breaking his stick in two. "We should each have a part."

Keith took it and faintly smiled. He sighed and closed his eyes. "I was supposed to hate you. It was easier when I hated you but now that I think about it- I never did. I just didn't know that I loved you."

"Lay down. I'll lay with you." Lance held the sides apart and lay back with his head against Keith's chest.

"I think that we should be grateful. This whole time, I could have kept acting like I was a million leagues ahead of you but you're my other half." He held up his stick. "You're my paint-throwing, slide-head-bashing, Jeep-stealing, cave-crawling, boat house-fucking boyfriend and as much as I hate to admit- I think we have more than just ourselves to thank."

Keith laughed for a second. "What? You mean Matt and Pidge and Shiro and Allura and..."

"-and Camp. There's just something about this place that means that whatever we are, whoever us is, is just... perfect."

"Yeah." Keith agreed. They sat in silence.

"Let's go get our boys ready for closing campfire."

"Yeah." Keith agreed once more.


The closing campfire consisted of a large metal fire pit and wooden benches on short steps all around to house the 150 members of camp. They sang songs and some counselors did some pretty entertaining, resulting with Hunk coming out from behind Pidge and dumping a bucket of water on her and Allura and Shiro had a routine that left the kids laughing and made the boys forget that it was their last night together.

The younger packs, shape and numbers, went first, kids dropping in sticks after saying their favorite part of camp or some memory, and the counselors thanking their campers and their peers before Matt stood and dismissed his campers to go up. One by one, they said good things about their counselors, each other, and then fun they had.

Keith stood and let his kids go up. They took their turns:

"I liked when Keith put his hair up and looked like a girl. Thank you."

"My favorite memory was when Lance stopped breathing and it looked like Keith was gonna kiss him."

"I can't wait to tell my mom about when Lance threw Keith on the ground yesterday."

"Keith was the best counselor in the world because he helped me make friends."

All good things. Keith's turn came up.

"Um. I don't have anything in particular to say even though I should have thought of this sooner but I guess- my campers- you were all amazing and thanks to Hunk for being a great lifeguard and letting none of my kids die, thanks to Pidge for lending us the Jeep.. I mean, never mind. Matt- Lance and I couldn't have made it through without you and Allura and Shiro- deep down in your sadistically-amused hearts, I think you had good intentions."

Lance's campers went up.

"When we all thought Lance died, we got really excited. Then he came back. That was great, but it would be cool to say I got to see someone die."

"I am grateful that I had the best counselor in the world."

"If we didn't have Matt- I think we would have died."

"Lance snores really loudly and we thought about smothering him to death but we didn't because Keith would never move on and we don't have time for that."

Lance came up to the campfire and cleared his throat. It looked like he was close to crying so he balled up his fists.

"I want to thank Pidge and Hunk. Pidge, for almost getting me fired, and Hunk for saving me. I want to thank Coran for medical attention after that incident at the pool, and I want to thank Blue pack for being the best damn kids in the world and for being superior to Keith's kids in every way. Allura and Shiro- something is horribly wrong with your sense of entertainment, man."

He paused to look at them with a seriously, what the fuck face before continuing.

" I'm sorry that I disappointed you all by not dying but I can't die quite yet because I have someone great to live for and I want to thank Keith for being that someone."

He threw his stick in but by now a tear had rolled down his face.

Pidge and Hunk went up together as the very last people.

"I want to thank everyone who came out to the challenge course and Keith and Lance for being our entertainment of every staff meeting."

"I want to thank everyone who safely wore their life vests in the lake, and everyone who was safe at the pool, and I want to thank the government for allowing gay people to get married so that one day, Keith and Lance can bother each other, legally, for the rest of their lives."

Soon after that, they sang "I want to linger" and campfire ended.

When the campers fell asleep, Lance found Keith on the front porch of his cabin, playing with his Zippo. 

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." Keith returned.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"See you in the morning?"


Lance walked up the steps and held Keith tight, kissing him.

"Goodnight, Mullet-head."

"'Night McClain."

I want to linger a little longer,
a little longer here with you.


A/N: I will miss everyone so terribly much- I have read ALL of your comments and I will wrap things up in one more chapter. This story started back when I was struggling through my freshman year of college and has so many of my real life camp Ihduhapi experiences in it. Please enjoy the actual song, Linger, that camps sing at their closing campfires,

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