Spider's Web

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A/N: I know. It's heartbreaking but camp has to come to an end soon. This is one of the last chapters!

August was hot and humid. Lance and Matt were walking their kids back from canoeing while Keith was supposed to be coming back from a nature hike any minute.

The packs went to lunch and began walking their kids back to their lodge site. Matt was holding on to the straps of his backpack and talking about the closing campfire. Lance and Keith remained silent, letting the reality settle on their shoulders: they were on their last week of camp.

"So do you know what you want to say?"

Lance broke out of his daydream. "-What?"

"Closing campfire, man. Friday. Everyone gets to say something and throw their stick into the fire."

Keith slipped his hand into Lance's "Well, I guess I'll have to think about it"

Matt shrugged. "You don't have to say too much- just something nice about your kids and about what your time here meant. We have the challenge course next, all of color pack, and then the pool before dinner."

Lance held tight to Keith's hand. "Friday- that's like- two days from now."

Keith stared down at the ground as they approached their cabins. Lance shook off the gloom.

"Hey- let's play a game of flag with the kids before we head to the challenge course!" Lance suggested. "Winner gets a kiss."

Keith smiled and shook his head. "That means that no matter who wins gets kissed- ohhh." He laughed. "I'm in. Prepare to go down, McClain!"


The boys were thrilled to have their counselors playing with them. Each kid grabbed a bandanna and tucked it into the waistband of their shorts as a flag.

Lance stole Matt's football and tossed it between hands. "Shirts versus skins?" He asked, grinning in that dumb way that made Keith feel hot and bothered.

Keith scratched the back of his head and looked away. "Only if you'll be 'skins.'"

Lance grinned and stripped off his shirt. "Lance's team is 'skins!'" He shouted, waving his shirt over his head and chucking it at the Blue Pack cabin porch.

"Matt, you playing?" He asked.

Matt shook his head. "No, I'm playing with the boys who don't like sports." He held up his clipboard. "See, I'm making Pidge a bracelet." The kids around him leaned in to see and asked for him to teach them how he made the zig-zags with the thread.

Lance shrugged and returned to the scene of his team of pre-teens screaming and throwing their shirts on the ground getting pumped up, following Lance's example. 

Keith had grabbed the ball and played quarterback for the first play. The kid from Lance's team rushed him and grabbed the bandanna from his cargo short pockets.

"BOOM!" The boy yelled, throwing the piece of fabric on the grass lawn. "EAT DIRT!"

Keith looked at Lance and smiled... where did the kids possibly get that from?

By the time that Matt called for everyone to get their bags with their swim stuff and get ready for the challenge course, the boys had tied at 3 to 3.

Matt rushed the kids and led the pack as Lance and Keith picked up the slower boys. They went back to holding hands.

Pidge greeted the campers at the course by jumping out of a different tree and brought the group deeper into the woods past the wall and to a game called "Prison Break".

Between two trees, tight, black elastic lines were tied and crossed between each other into a wall about six feet tall with spots between the lengths large enough for a kid to crawl through.

Pidge jumped in front of the wall, gathering everyone's attention.

"Welcome Color Packs! Today we are playing 'Prison Break'! Last week somebody stole a whole bag of marshmallows and the authorities have reason to believe that it was one of you." She said, scanning over the campers. "No one confessed and so all of you have been thrown into PRISON FOR LIFE!"

"Sounds like our prison system." Lance whispered to Keith.

Pidge continued. "You are in desperate need to get back to Camp Voltron and so you must ESCAPE through this wall." She pointed to the giant web behind her. "However, you can't touch the lines because there is a very tight security system that will be alerted and you will all be caught and brought back to the beginning." She looked at the kids. "Easy, right? Well there's a catch- only one person can go through each hole before it closes."

The campers looked around and silently sized each other up. Pidge looked at Keith and Lance and smirked. "Oh yeah, and the counselors are playing."

Lance whipped his head away from staring at Keith and turned to Pidge. "Wait- What?"

Pidge told the kids to start and walked up behind Keith and Lance. "Oh, and keep it PG..." Before she rose up on her toes between them and put her hand on top of their heads. "...13"

Keith felt a shiver go down his spine and found himself distracted and brought to attention by the kids shouting.

"Okay, the biggest space is at the top so maybe the counselors should go up there." One of the kids suggested.

Matt had no problem with selfishly crawling through the single largest space on the bottom level of the web and took his time carefully helping lift kids through the other holes.

Keith and Lance approached the web and looked at the large space at their shoulder level.

"We can't lift either of you." One of the campers pointed out.

"We already sent everyone over to the side, so you'll have to figure it out." Another boy said, easily jumping through a spot on the side.

Lance looked at the space. "I'm not going through that."

Keith looked at his partner. "Like hell I am!" He shouted.

They stared at each other for a moment before Lance quickly picked a struggling Keith up. "Get ready! Get ready!" Lance shouted as kids on the other side got ready to catch their unwillingly sacrificed counselor. "Take this damn marshmallow thief!"

Miraculously, Lance tossed Keith through the hole and onto the dirt on the other side. It was like crowd-surfing at a concert where everyone realized that they couldn't catch Keith so they just backed away and let him take the fall.

The kids had left one spot along the ground for Lance to crawl through on his side. He barely got his head through but touched the line at hip level. No one saw it so he didn't say anything and technically it was Keith's fault, not his, that he had to try and fit through a hole on the ground with a bulging erection.

When the groups were debriefing, Keith walked up behind Lance and ran his finger's under his t-shirt along his spine. "Nice to see you enjoyed torturing me."

"Always." Lance replied, turning to kiss Keith's cheek

Camp Voltron- A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now