Getting Even...

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Green pack kids were confused why neither pack wanted to play kickball that day, so Matt taught them Ultimate Frisbee instead. Back in Keith's cabin, the boys were seeking revenge. He told his campers to keep in mind, the windows were open, and that he was going to take a nap to have deniability of the boys' schemes.

One of the kids spoke, "Deniability- is that what Lance did?"

Keith turned around.

"No. I've known Lance for a long, long time. He's not mean, he's just a stupid idiot."

The campers laughed and turned back to the map they drew on the floor.

Lance, however, was anything but tired. He was ready to get even after they lost at the challenge course... a week ago.

Keith woke up an hour later and brought his pack to dinner. As expected, Shiro announced the color pack's Capture the Flag event for the next morning. Lance ordered his campers to look surprised and excited.

Shiro handed out the shirts of the corresponding pack color to the counselors, and sent them to their cabins.

Keith didn't know what his kids had planned, but they were laughing like they were up to no good.


Keith's kids showered first, blue pack would be exhausted and head straight to bed after their late turn in the showers.

Keith gathered his campers inside. "Okay. Nothing too evil here. What's the plan?"

His camper's grinned, bundles of blue shirts dropped on the cabin floor. The kids explained the plan and Keith nodded.

"So what about Lance's Shirt? " Keith asked, picking up the large shirt with the boy's name printed across the back.

"On the roof! " one of the boys shouted.

"Excellent. " Keith commented.


By the time Lance's campers woke up, red pack had been waiting for fifteen minutes, peering from behind the screen windows for the blue kids to look for their shirts. It seemed Lance walked outside first. He stopped on the porch.


20 damp blue shirts lay on the common green. His kids poured out onto the porch past him and walked out onto the field.

Summer mornings were cold and foggy. One of the campers picked up a shirt. "they're freezing." Lance looked for his shirt as one of the kids pointed to the roof, "Found yours."

Lance saw his shirt .

Green and red packs emerged from their cabins, dry shirts and jackets on. Lance's kids came out next with damp, dew-soaked shirts on. They appeared less-than-happy, but gave no signs of discontentment, much to the red pack's disappointment. 

Lance's shirt was actually soaked. As opposed to just letting mother nature dew up the grass and dampen the shirts, Lance's shirt was run in the outdoor sink before it was tossed on the roof.

Lance came out in cargo shorts that rode low on his hips and climbed up the railing on the porch to retrieve his shirt from atop the cabin. He picked it up like a dead animal and leaned away from the porch railing he held onto, letting it drip.

"Koganeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! " Lance yelled.

Keith popped the screen window open and propped his elbows on the window sill.

"Hey Lance. Whatcha up to on the roof?"

Lance pointed a finger at his fellow counselors. "We had a truce man. We shook on it."

"We waited until midnight. You didn't specify how long it was supposed to last..." Keith laughed and shook his head, pulling the window shut. 

Lance jumped down and wrung out his shirt. Once it was just damp, he threw it on, hating how it just clung to him.

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