Maybe I do Like Him...

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Everyone thank @WeirdEmoTrash, because they got me writing again tonight and I will be continuing this story <3


'Their usual antics' continued as soon as the sun rose. The kids were restlessly running around as Keith, Lance, and Matt tried to count their campers for breakfast. It was supposed to get into the high 90's that day, but everyone was dressed in sweatpants and closed shoes, long sleeved jackets and hoodies hanging off the scrawny boys. They were set to go caving two hours away after breakfast that day, and the kids were beyond excited. Keith and Lance were beyond tired.

In the dining hall, breakfast was served and the whole camp was present, yet oddly quiet. Pidge's table stood, clapping and shouting, practically screaming: WE ARE TABLE NUMBER ONE, NUMBER ONE, NUMBER ONE, WE ARE TABLE NUMBER ONE, WHERE IS TWO.

Somewhere on the other side of the dining hall another table responded as table number two. It was the art activity counselor's table. Now everyone was awake.

Keith mistakenly locked eyes with Lance as they both bolted up standing, their kids racing to get the cheer out first. It was Keith's table who got it started faster. WE ARE TABLE NUMBER THREE, NUMBER THREE, NUMBER THREE, WE ARE TABLE NUMBER THREE, WHERE IS FOUR?


Somewhere in the hall's laughter and talking Keith went up to the serving window to pick up the call of 'second servings' for the table. Lance made his way up first and returned to his campers, who were still laughing, when Lance took a sip of his water. He spat it out across the table.

"What the? Which one of you-" He stammered, wiping his mouth into his sleeve. Keith's table's campers were also giggling. Lance turned around to find Keith turned around, trying to control his laughter. So that's what Lance's campers were waiting for. They let Keith salt his water when he went up for seconds. 

Lance turned back to his table. "Mutiny! All of you! Now I have to eat all of these pancakes myself."

The kids protested loudly, reaching across to grab the pancakes off of the plate, ultimately leaving Lance without a second serving. "Thanks kids." he muttered, seeing the devilish faces, delighted from starving their counselor.

Eventually breakfast was finished and the plates were scraped and put in the wash bins as the campers filed out to the grass lot in front of the dining hall and began a game consisting of smacking each other with their water bottles as Matt tried to contain the situation.


This time Pidge took the Jeep with Keith, as Matt and Lance drove the van.  The top to the van was now covering it and the air conditioning was blasting. Keith started eating a granola bar when Pidge turned down the radio. They talked, keeping their eyes on the road.

"So you and Lance didn't do anything in here that needs cleaning up, right?"

Keith choked on his mouthful of chocolate and oats, turning bright red and gulping down the bite. "Wha-" he stammered.

"Dude. I'm kidding. You obviously like each other."

Keith took a deep breath. I guess there was no denying it now. "What makes you so sure?"

Pidge pulled up to a stop. "Female intuition."

Keith choked on his food again. He decided that maybe he should stop eating it. Repeatedly choking was not fun- he was not into that.

"Wait- what? You're a girl? " Keith asked.

"Um. Yep. Last I checked."

"But it's a boys camp!"

"And Allura's a guy?"

"No, I mean- you're a girl."

Pidge laughed. "Yeah. It's not that revolutionary. Did you seriously not know?"

"I don't think Lance knows either... or the kids."

"Those things don't really matter to kids, and besides, they pick up on more than you know. Especially the chemistry between you and Lance."

Keith leaned back and propped his foot up on the glove-box. His arms were crossed over his chest. "Maybe I do like him."

Pidge smirked but said nothing, just turning up the radio to the only available station which happened to be country music- and a love song.

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