Caving... Together.

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A/N: Aaaaaand fun fact time: I am an actual, certified camp counselor in Minnesota with the nickname "Twitch." I am allergic to bees and carry an EpiPen. I do the emergency first aid and am fantastic at my job. The cave in this story is actually modeled after the cave I go spelunking in, Star Cavern in Southern Virginia. Only a handful of people know I write fanfictions, and I never tell my camp friends. Also my name is Emily. [Shhhhhh only you readers know :) ]


They met with a guide who was wearing a jacket and overalls. He had such a southern accent that no one could understand him, but it wasn't like the kids were paying attention anyways. They all got helmets on and checked and tested every kid's headlamp. Keith and Lance suited up. Matt and Pidge were sitting in the back of the Jeep, with the trunk door up.

"You're not coming?" Keith asked in suprise.

Matt grinned. "Yeah. Only two counselors needed."

"You can fucking understand this guy?" Lance asked, bewildered.

"Hell no!" Pidge laughed. 

Matt grinned. "Good luck."

The boys turned back around. Pidge yelled out to Lance. 

"Hey- Lance. You know I'm a girl right?"

Lance's jaw dropped. "You're a girl?!" He cleared his throat. "I mean obviously. I knew that."

Pidge smirked. "Yeah and I still kicked your butts on every challenge on the challenge course."

Lance pouted and stomped away with Keith to the sinkhole entrance of the cave. They clicked on their headlamps and descended into the cool, muddy, clay darkness.


They kids crawled and walked through the mazes of the cave, descending into a pit, while being rope belayed to the bottom of the 20 foot drop. The rest of the cave was mostly tall enough to walk in, almost wide enough to extend an arm fully. The guide talked on and on about letting the kids explore the little burrows and pits of fresh water that surrounded the cave before he would call everyone back in half an hour with his whistle and told them the paths were already marked. Keith took the liberty of crawling next to Lance in a pit he had located away from the kids and the guide. They sat in silence for a bit, listening to the echos of the kids crawling in the tunnels and the guide's strange form of English. Eventually his light fell on the boys, who had their lamps dimmed all the way as to not blind each other, and to not give themselves away to the boys.

"Did y'all boys find'm cave tunners alright er ya just sittin?" He asked

Keith and LAnce looked at eachother in confusion before nodding. "Yes sir." Keith answered.

"Well alright." He nodded, walking back and yelling out to a couple of boys.

They were back to their silence again. Lance spoke.

"Y'know, Keith, I don't really hate you. You're kind of alright."

Keith smiled, knowing Lance could not see. "You're alright too."

Lance laughed. "I'm more than 'alright.' I'm damn fine."

Keith snorted. "Okay, Lance."

They were silent again. "You know, Matt talked with me after breakfast. He thinks there's... something between us." Lance said, quietly.

Keith dug his fingers into the clay floor. "Um. Yeah. Pidge and I talked too. She said the same thing. Crazy right?" He laughed awkwardly.

Lance flipped his light brighter and looked at Keith. "Not really."

Keith sighed. "I know. I'm trying to hate you instead but it's not working."

Lance looked up. "I gave up that fight years ago. Besides, I can't get rid of you." He clicked off his light and took Keith's hand before moving to kiss his cheek, making sure not to let his helmet get in the way.

Keith's lamp went from incredibly dim to completely dark. He lost the glow of light on Lance's face. Lance laughed. "Keith. We can't both have our lights off. The guide said something about us dying in here in total darkness."

Keith clicked furiously with the button. "Lance- I think it died. I checked the kids' lights, but not mine."

Lance clicked on his light. He looked worried.

"Do you have any batteries?" Keith asked.

Lance opened his hand. "Good news- yes. Bad news- the clay got into my pocket and covered them. There's no way to use them now."

The guide called everyone back with a whistle and did a headcount of the lamp lights.

"We're one short." He said, frowning. 

"Mine died, sir. Lance was keeping the batteries, but they're no good."

The guide sighed. "Well 'chuckles' and 'ponytail boy'- stick together."

And so bring up the rear of the campers, lagging back, Lance led Keith back through the cave and out into the light by the hand.

They broke apart before anyone could see and when they stripped their clay-covered clothes into the plastic bags and wrestled on fresh t shirts, Keith caught Lance peeking from across the field, before quickly turning back away from his friend and smiling to himself.

They washed their hands and faces with a jug if water being poured out into the field and dried in the sun, watching the kids pack away their clothes and run around.

Lance was fiddling with something in his hands, and shoving it in a Ziploc bag from his lunch. It was a ball of wet clay from the cave.

Keith smiled at Lance. "Dude. That's totally illegal."

Lance grinned. "I know." 


A/N: alright, that's all for tonight. It's two in the morning and I have to pack a million pairs of underwear for camp. (We get laundry every TWO weeks. Ahhh!)

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