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When Keith arrived back at the cabins, many of the kids had returned to playing, but it was mostly Matt's pack. Keith searched for the Senior Counselor and located him sitting on Lances' cabin porch with blue and red shirted kids. It was oddly cute to see both packs of boys together. They sat and colored cards and a banner for Lance that read "Get Better Lance" and had a bunch of doodles of wasps with big X's over them.

Keith rustled the hair of one of his kids and smiled.

"Great poster guys. I can bring them to Lance after dinner if you'd like."

The kids agreed and took turns showing their art to Keith, who made sure to compliment each one. Keith told the kids about how Lance had been stung before, and detailed the story. He told them about how Lance was boasting about being the fastest runner so Keith smacked Lance's fat head into the slide.

Matt asked Keith to take a walk with him. They walked beside each other behind the cabins. 

Matt spoke, "Listen. I know you care about Lance." He waited for Keith to object, but surprisingly, he did not. Matt continued. "He cares about you too. I think that's why you two always clash, but it's time that you both get a break. Together." Matt dug into his pocket. "Look. I can't get you guys out of trouble if you get caught but Pidge convinced* me to lend you the Jeep for the night. They'll come watch the kids for you.

Keith pushed the keys in the pocket of his cargo shorts which had become soaked from covering his swim trunks. "Thanks Matt. Really. I mean it. Thank Pidge for me too."


After dinner, Keith entered the health bay. Lance sat up in bed when Keith came behind the curtain. Keith handed Lance the stack of cards.

Lance grinned. "Are these for me?"

Keith shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, don't let it go to your fat head."

"Or what? You'll bash it into the slide again?"

Keith laughed. "You're alright, McClain." He pulled out the keys. "Pidge and Matt flipped us the Jeep for the evening. Feeling good enough to go out?"

Lance slid his feet off the bed and pushed himself off. "Let's go."


It was sunset when the boys made it out to the Jeep outside the main gate to the parking lot.

Keith drove. Lance didn't mind. They discussed their campers and laughed about their major failure from capture the flag. The nearest town was about twenty minutes away. It was 8:30 when they chose a place to set. Keith pulled up in the grass next to a gas station and handed Lance a packaged ice cream he had bought from the freezer inside the gas station. He unwrapped his own and they sat on the hood of the green Jeep. They stretched out and looked at the stars.

Lance spoke first. "Camp's not so bad."

Keith agreed. "No. it's kind of nice. I mean, what else were we going to do?"

"Sleep in." Lance replied.

"Play video games."

"Eat junk food."

"Work on cars."

Keith took a bite out of the cone and chewed slowly, enjoying the only taste of junk food that he would get in a while. It was silent for a minute. "You really scared me, Lance. I started CPR, but you just weren't breathing. It was like fifth grade again. I thought I got over it. It was my fault you got stung back then and it didn't feel good to watch it again."

Lance finished his ice cream and rest his hands behind his head. "Yeah. It's kind of scary, but it's not like I'm gonna stop living. That's why I carry that EpiPen. I never know when that could happen. Luckily there's a spare in the health bay, but you really saved me by grabbing my jacket."

"You're a pretty great guy, Lance. You're a way better counselor than me for sure." Keith looked over to Lance who smirked.

"It's funny how we never got along and then once we get thrown together for a summer, things start to get better. I think I'm understanding my feelings better now."

Keith said nothing, but thought to himself. I think I have feelings I need to understand, too. But he quickly abolished the confusing thought. He slid himself off of the hood and popped open the door, jumping into the driver's side. "Let's sneak back into camp before Coran notices that you're gone."

Lance situated himself into the passenger side and the boys took off, back onto the road and retreated back onto the gravel path to camp in the woods. As they approached the wooden overhang, the dimmed headlights fell on two figures- A very angry Shiro, and a pissed Allura.

"I um- think we're fucked." Lance noted.

"Yeah." Keith agreed.

Camp Voltron- A Klance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now