Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As Anna bid me goodbye after drooping me by her bike at entrance of HR designs, I looked at the huge building which shone due to sun-rays being reflected by its glass covered walls. I smiled at the security guard after showing him my ID and entered in.

The yard was a beautiful sight in itself. With colorful flowers surrounding the well trimmed garden it gave rather a vibrant feeling to the dull looking building.

Mr. Akash Singh Raizada greeted me with a pleasant smile as he noticed me talking with the receptionist who anyways was giving a weird look

looking at my dress. I looked at my dress. I wore black jeans with off-white colored top along with a scarf. That's ok right? Even Anna

seemed to be okay with otherwise she would never let me come without the proper dress code.

I wondered whats wrong with me..or Her?

"..Miss Gupta are you listening" Mr. Akash Singh Raizada stared at me with concern.

I had the grace to blush. "I-I was... nothing... woh actually.. I was thinking why everyone is staring weirdly at me." I glanced around the room and then at him.

"Oh _ that!! haha..that's nothing.. actually Miss Gupta you are fully covered"

"What ?" I replied shocked.

"I mean you are the first female candidate who is fully covered from head to toe and it is not common thing here..."He said and gave an uncomfortable smile.

It is then I noticed every female employees and there was none who had cloth below their thigh or for that matter knees.

I don't know why but I found this rather funny. "Can I as you a question , Sir?"



"Call me Akash."He smiled.

"Well please ask"And he started walking.

"I was asked to come at Starlight restaurant.. i mean why sudden changes?"He slowed down and again he increased his pace.

And then he explained about the team that was supposed to meet me had some important meeting settled which they couldn't shift.

I nodded all the way. Half of my brain comprehending the information he was giving and the other half thinking of possible things

I could do to blend in their environment.

"Listen Khushi, our boss believes in honesty, loyalty and perfection. and to retain yourself for a long time you got to hold his qualities real hard."

He sited and explained me about the person I was to work with. So after a full-fledged lecture I came to know that my would be boss was, moody,

short-tempered, extremely conscious about hygiene and a work freak.Dude It would be hard to handle him. I murmured.

"And yes Miss Gupta ,he is very specific about what the sales manager wears. They are to wear a red dress quite often like four times a week. That's means

you have to do shopping"At the end he grew friendly talking about me shopping.Thanking him I left the office premises.

As i walked past the building I felt a bit dizzy. To tell you the truth ,I found the idea of wearing red so weird. I frowned. This company feels so weird.

I had an uncanny feeling as I reached near the taxi stand and looked at the building that stood high in the skyline.

It would be an interesting working here. Just then a taxi stopped in front of me and I hopped in.

flash of red-

When i had just stepped down from the taxi a red flash came across my face. This was the first time I had been accustomed to this strange thing.

I couldn't understand what exactly it was. But i was sure it had the color red- the color of love ,the color of BLOOD!!

And that's when it happened. A bike came like a wind and had me hit by it making me land into the color of RED.

I blacked out.


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