Chapter 7 (part 2)

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Chapter 7

Part 2

Mr Vivek Gupta carried the air of dominance around him. At first glance, he might appear to you like any other middle-aged man with a mature personality but in real he was much-much more than that.

His sweet and friendly nature would never give away as what kind of devil he was in real life. So, when I saw him inside my boss cabin, I could hardly understand what brought him back into our lives after almost 3 years. Mr Raizada had yelled at me for not focusing in what I had to explain. How could I ,anyways? When the person you literally hated, sat in front of you with a smirk that irritated the hell out of you.

I couldn't believe that he had no regrets for what he had done to us, my mom and me. Suddenly I was so angry and wanted to punch him straight at his face and wipe off that smirk.

"Miss Gupta, are you okay?" Mr Raizada had asked me, his face showing the genuine concern for me. Well, I didn't have time to react to that as Mr Vivek Gupta intervened.

"Yes Miss Khushi Gupta, you are visibly sweating. Is everything okay??" Mr Raizada's face shot up to him as he asked " Mr Gupta, how come you know her name?(pauses) Oh- I see.. surnames? You people related in any way"

He chuckled but I didn't find it funny, infact I wished he was not related to me. At the moment, i hated the fact that his blood ran down my veins.

Murmuring a small sorry, I excused myself and exited the cabin. I could hear the clock struck 1:00 , it was time for lunch and probably everyone must be heading towards the canteen.

Though the lift was working perfectly fine, I chose to walk down the stairs... I wanted to spend some time with myself.. As I walked down the almost deserted stairs my mind went to the flashback, when everything was okay, when my family was happy, when I was happy...

Suddenly, someone caught my elbow and turned me around, but my leg got tangled with my dress and we both fell down. I opened my eyes in shock as I realised Mr Raizada was on top of me.

"What are you doing, Sir? " I asked him but he seemed to be lost somewhere. I looked at his eyes which were already staring at me. All my earlier encounters forgotten and we both looked at each other as if that was the only job we had at hand. I could hear my heartbeat loud and clear and I wondered if he did too. Somewhere down the line, I could hear the faint rabba ve playing.

There was something in the way he was looking at me. His eyes carelessly bore into mine but in a soft way contrary to how strong and manly he felt on top of me.

I blushed as I realized no person has ever looked at me the way he was looking. Like a man looks at his woman. His strong hand held my hand ever so gently and I wiggled a little.

My movements seemed to distract him and he moved way his gaze from me. He slowly got up and extended his hands towards me I looked on ad kept my hand on his. His hand felt so warm and protective and

I almost felt like never leaving it. I think he too felt the same because he also looked up at me when I did. With all my strength I got up and but winced when I felt a surge of pain rush down my leg.

Old wounds I had from the accident seemed to come out fresh.. just like the wounds I got in life. I instantly felt a hand hold me firmer yet gently.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his face painted with concern.

"I dont think so.."I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. He frowned as if I meant more than my words. I certainly did.

He slowly brought me closer to him. "Khushi, Whats wrong? You can share it with me." I hated the fact that the tears were already threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"May be..I-I can help.."he seemed more confused about the statement, almost as if he knew he can't really help me.

"No Sir.. you cant" I confirmed "Not when I can't even help myself". He looked at me with wide eyes as he noticed my moist eyes. And next second I had pulled myself away from him.

I ran down the stairs with tears running down my cheek. I could faintly hear him calling for me.

Just when I thought, the day can't get any worse, my driver had handed me a letter that he had seemingly found on the bonnet of the car.

I don't know why but I had an uncanny feeling that this person really meant what he said. I checked my phone to call up my mom when I realized I already had almost 5 missed call from her.

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of my mom being harmed.

I decided to call my mom but to my horror, her phone was not reachable.

The journey from my office to my home felt so long. I had dialed my mom's number like thousand times but it disconnected every time.

My car halted in front of my house and I rushed inside. I frantically looked for my keys and unlocked the door.

The door cracked open and sheer darkness welcomed me. With my heart beating frantically, I stepped inside.

Looking suspiciously around, though nothing was visible, I searched for the switch. Lights streamed in and left me in shock with what it had to show me.

Flowers of every color but red, flooded the living room and I looked on dazed. Who had done this? My phone vibrated bringing me out of my trance.

"He-hello" I said in a distracted voice."Beta, Why didn't you pick up your phone? I had tried-" Realizing it was mom."Mom, are you okay?"..I-I had been trying to call you.. but -but I ..are u okay?" I said, my eyes full of tears.

"Areey..beta,..I am fine..Oh-acha..It must be Anna who told you about my accident..."

"Accident?? Mom are you okay?? Should I come over?? Have you been to the doctor??or.." I panicked."Areey beta calm was just a small accident. Because of some rash biker our driver lost his control but then he saved us at the last moment.

Everything is fine.. dont worry.. and no need to come over" Mom assured me.

"Are you sure?"I sighed in relief. She was fine." I am missing you mom.""Its not been a day and you are already missing me?"she chuckled sadly.

"Yes mom, I already feel alone" I whispered as I moved my eyes around the hall.

After a little chit chat, I hung up. With a thud, I sat down on the couch.I dug my face onto my palm, playing back everything that had happened today.

After a little while, I stood up. I roamed my eyes around as if there was more than my eys could see. Was it a harmless admirer? Should I complain about him to the police?

But then, he seems to know a little too much about me. I felt dizzy. As I turned around, my feet accidentally knocked out a bouquet of white flowers.

And then I eyes rested on a small note.

"Dear Khushi,

Scared? Angry? haha baby..

I know what you might be thinking. I know your mom came out save this that, but I am not sure about the future.

This is just the beginning. You didn't bother to reply my question so it was just a gift.haha..

I am so glad that you are afraid of who I am and what I can do.

No, really!! Because no one other than me have the right to give you pain and of-course love.

Because you are mine. So baby, take me seriously!!!

I am giving you a last chance.

Write my name down the line.

Yours only__ __ R

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