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Being a father in the age of 17 is the only flaw he has made to keep people think of him as a very amazing person.

He’s a GUTIERREZ. And yes, their family is one of the known families in the Business World.

Gutierrez Company holds several hotels, resorts and a countless restaurants that has been scattered around the country and abroad


His name is DARIUS JAKE LOPEZ GUTIERREZ, A first year Business Management student of the very exclusive VRAND UNIVERSITY. The University of the Future Business Tycoons, excellent Engineers, miraculous Doctors and many other exceptional future professions. Indeed exclusively for students who has the means, the wealth, the influence and the intelligence.

A lot of people aspire to be in this school. Who would not? They provide students with quality education and quality future. This is one of the known universities in the world. And the students inside the said university are coming from known families.


When I entered college, I preferred to be alone. Not that I don’t want to find friends, but in my world now, it’s hard to find true friends to fully trust in this school. The students here seem to be so competitive and always pressured in meeting what people expect from them to show and to be.

They appeared to be forgetting that they’re also human beings who were not perfect. I could’ve been one of them right now, if I didn’t discover in my high school that the essence of life is enjoying its imperfections and not to overshadow them with wealth and power.

Yeah. You might be asking right now what experiences I had in my high school life that made me realize the things I’m talking about.

High School taught me to forget the demand and pressure of being a GUITTEREZ. I learned how to drink like there’s no tomorrow. I learned how to trick my parents. I learned how to cut classes. I learned to escape from my guards and go to bars like I have no classes to attend to the next morning. I met amazing people who became my true friends. They’re not as rich as I am, but they are real people. I can say that my friends are more human than my family, because they never care whenever they make mistakes. It’s just a “so what” kind of thing to them to be wrong because they just don’t care if they fail. Failure should be normal to every human being. That’s given. That’s why I envy them so much, because they live a normal life and I’m not. Thanks to High school because it took me away from my real world and showed me the world that I’m longing to have even just for the mean time. Thanks to High school, it gave me “son” and I never REGRET my decision to have him. Yeah right. It was my decision to have him. I have my reasons.

Now, I’m back to my real world.




I took up Business Management because my parents are expecting me to take after our telecommunication company.

And they chose Vrand University where I will be having my college. Even if my parents won’t ask me to go there and study, I’ll be asking them to send me there. Why? Because Darius is there.

Darius is my long-time crush and love. We were classmates since we were in the elementary and I like him ever since. He was a very cute and smart kid then. That’s why I admire him so much. But he never noticed it. We became close when were chosen to be the science quizzer to represent our school. He was the first placer and I was the third placer. I was so disappointed that the first and second placer will go to regionals and that the second placer won only 2 points over me. If I just got that 2 points, then I could’ve been the one who’d gone with Darius to regionals. Well, I have moved on with that happening already. But what’s worse is that I’ve come to realize that we only had the chance to talk when we were still reviewing for the Quiz, after that no more. I was actually thinking if I’m the only one who assumed that we became close?

He’s a silent type guy then. He only talked when he was asked. He only questioned when he wanted the teacher to elaborate more the lesson. He really never failed to amaze me.

We were classmates again when we were in high school. It’s not like I followed him, it’s just that the school we went together is an exclusive school for people like us. If in elementary days he was cute and smart. High school made him cool and handsome plus the thing that he’s always smart. He’s not even reviewing for every examination that comes but he still passes it, and oftentimes tops it.

Then the news came that he had a baby. Yes he had a son. And I don’t know who the mother is. I don’t know if he loves her. When media tried to interview him, he doesn’t want to talk about it. Some people say it just a one night stand, an accident, I don’t care though, and that didn’t stop me from loving him. Yes I love him. I love him secretly. And he still fails to notice it, and it’s because I didn’t let him to. I’m not the kind who can freely show and share what I feel. Not like other girls, who can openly shout their admiration to him, of which I know he hated. That adds up to my cowardice to tell him about what I feel. He might treat me like those girls who follow him every time and ends up busted.

But as I look at myself now. What’s the use of following him till college if I can’t tell him what I feel, or even just give him a hint? Then maybe, just maybe… he’ll me in return.

So I’ll try. I’ll really try.


 W/N: Thanks for reading J

Jebemonster <3

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