Chapter 17

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Elliot's POV


This question burns in my mind the entire flight home. My eyes are cherry red and irritated from all the silent sobbing I've done.

I have to go back... how else am I supposed to figure out how to talk to him? But by the time I make it back to Denmark, he'll be gone. I shouldn't give up hope yet. I can search his house number on an online phone book right? Do those even still exist?..

I'm so lost and confused. The only thing I can think of doing to distract myself is to sleep. There isn't much more of a choice when you're 30,000 feet in the air, gliding above the Atlantic Ocean. I put in my earbuds and try my best to keep myself together while I doze off painfully slow, but even that doesn't work. Nothing does.


I pull into my driveway and put the car in park. Here I am, home at last. It feels so strange being back; at least I have my bed and my dog! How could I forget about Chester and Gavin, the dog sitter?

I then noticed Gavin's silver Volvo parked right in front of my Benz. It's kind of late, 11:14 p.m. to be exact, so he's probably exhausted, ready to sleep in his own bed.

With my luggage in hand, I locate my house key and jiggle it into the lock on the front door. I turn the key to the left and I can already hear Chester's squeaky barking and his paws scratching on the door.

The door slowly creaks open and Chester comes dashing out to me, jumping on my leg. "Hey boy! It's so good to see you too!" I say, very glad to be back with my pal. I scratch the top of his head and give him a little push back into the house.

As I walk in, I see Gavin emerge from the guest bedroom, shirtless, and wearing his grey basketball shorts. His wear was very messy, indicating that he was probably asleep.

"Hey Gavin, thanks so much again for coming in such a late notice. I appreciate you to no end." I flash a smile at him, and he grins back. "It's no problem, Elliot. You know I'll do anything for ya." He replies, running his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"If you want, you can go home, or if you're too tired, you can just crash here for the night. I'm perfectly okay with whatever you want to do." I let Gavin know that he's free to do what he wants, and he decides he's too tired to drive home.

I bid him goodnight, and he walks back into the guest room and closes the door. Gavin and I are very close. Letting him stay another night doesn't bother me the least bit. It's what good friends do for each other.

Picking up my bags once more, I haul them up the stairs into my room, Chester trotting right behind me. I set my bulky bags down on the dark wood floor and begin to unpack them. I hate unpacking more than anything, but I'd rather get it over with. Besides, sleep doesn't sound like an ideal thing to do right now.

As I neatly place my clothes back in my drawers and closet, my mind tries not to wander off and think about... him.

No, Elliot.. You can't do this to yourself. You can't let this boy make you upset. Not right now. You need to forget about it and get some sleep.

Forget now, worry later..
Forget now, worry later..
Forget now, worry later..

This mantra repeated in my mind until I convinced myself that everything was okay. Even though I knew with every bone in my body that it wasn't.

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