Chapter 5. Family

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 Chapter 5

Riley’s POV

I woke up in Harry’s bed

I blinked looking around the large bedroom

The large bed I was on was placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by a dresser on the left wall, and a bedside table on the right

I stretched my arms out and scraped the covers with the skin of my arms

I stopped

Draco wasn’t in the bed with me

I sat up quickly, looking around the room

He didn’t fall off the bed, he wasn’t near me

I didn’t know where he was

“Drake!” I screamed

No reply

I jumped off the bed and sped out the door, knocking on the door over the hall

Louis opened the door in his flannel PJ pants and rubbing his eyes of sleep

“Oh Riley, Hi” he smiled

“Where’s Draco?” I asked

“What do you mean?”

“He was asleep next to me last night and now he’s not there!”

Louis eyes widened “Harry’s downstairs, I’ll grab my phone and call Liam, He couldn’t have gotten far Riley, it’s okay”

I nodded and headed downstairs

Harry was sprawled out on the lounge, curls messed and mouth open

I shook his shoulder hard, breaking his pattern of breath as he woke up


“Harry where’s Draco?” I asked

“Riley?” he asked sleepily

I flicked his forehead and he sat up quickly “That hurt!”

“Where’s my son Styles?” I asked menacingly

Harry’s eyes widened, he knew I wasn’t in the mood, he know you never messed with me when I was like this

“I don’t know” he said “I know Niall stayed the night, Maybe he’s with him”

“Where’s Niall?”

Harry shrugged

“Damn it”

“I’m sorry Ri, Niall can’t be too far and Draco will be safe with him”

“If he’s actually with him”

Harry bit his lip

“Harry, Draco is the only family I have left, you don’t know how fucking worried I am!”

Something hit the side of the house

I turned to the glass sliding doors that lead to backyard stairs

“Found him?” asked Louis

“No” sighed Harry

“Maybe” I replied

Both boys looked at me as I pried open the glass door and ran out onto the metal stairs overlooking the backyard

Niall stood there with a smile on his face, a football between his feet as he kicked it slowly to Draco

I sighed and flew down the steps

Niall looked up as I landed on the grass

“Draco” I cried

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