Eplilogue - 7 Years Later

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7 years later

The event was small. Niall and I didn’t want a lot of people there, although people had known this day was coming for ages they still flocked to social media and the press to get the best information of what was going on from inside the secluded rental house in the Irish country side where we had planned today.

Danielle, Perrie, Eleanor, Lexie, Louise, Lux, Stella and I were waiting around in a bedroom upstairs, drinking champagne and eating strawberries, all minus Lux, who was only 8 and chomped down on strawberries because she couldn’t have any champagne.

“Are you nervous?” asked Danielle, who stood next to me in her champagne colored, sleeveless dress, the colored material covered from her breasts to her thighs, sheer material stretching up to wrap over her shoulders and around her neck as the top part of her dress, pearls accenting the collar and a big black bow on her hips. Her dress matched every other girl in the room, except for Stella and Lux. Stella was in a thigh length, long sleeved purple dress with a jacket and silver jewelry and Lux was wearing a little white dress with a big white bow in her platinum blonde hair with little earrings she had only just gotten done recently.

“I’m a little nervous” I nodded, taking a sip of my champagne “More because of everything the papers will say rather than the actual thing”

Danielle nodded “I understand completely”

I smiled up at her and took her hand, looking down at the silver ring on her finger. Danielle was engaged to Liam, like we had all expected. Danielle and I were still good friends, just like we were with the rest of the girls. The two of them were scheduled to be married sometime next year.

“Mum!” screamed Draco, bursting through the door of the room, shaggy head of blonde hair hanging over his bright blue eyes, white shirt un-tucked and  tie hanging around his neck. Draco was 10 now and acting more and more like his uncles and dad by the second.

“Yeah?” I laughed, watching his shoulders slump as he blew a few strands of hair out of his eye so he could see me properly.

“Dad can’t tie a tie for all the money in the world” he frowned “And Hazza told me to tell you guys that were about ready to start”

I smiled and flattened out my dress and took his tie in between my fingers, flipping it and tying it over just right and straightening it on his shirt and pulling shirt jacket on for him. I kissed his head “Your walking Lux down the aisle”

“Seriously?” he groaned “Why can’t Charlie do it?”

“Because Charlie isn’t the ring bearer”

Draco frowned at me, nose scrunching and mouth turning down at me, hair still falling into his face so I couldn’t see his eye clearly. “I have to do it, don’t I?” he grumbled

“Yes, you do” I said, brushing his hair back and to the side to try and get it out of his eyes “Take her down to the doors and get the rings from Harry and make sure your hair stays out of your eyes!”

“Yes mum” he huffed, turning to look at the little girl being cleaned up by her mother “C’mon pipsqueak”

“I’m not a pipsqueak” Lux frowned, stomping her little white ballet flat on the floor “Your mean Drakey”

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