Chapter 15. Nightmares

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Sorry it's so short! ILY <3

Chapter 15

When we got back to the hotel Harry and Louis wouldn’t let us go anywhere unless we told them everything.

“Where did you go?” asked Harry

“What happened?”

“Do I smell chocolate?”

“Why are you smiling so much?”

“Tell us”

“Tell us now”

“Tell us or we’ll throw you out into the swarm of girls”

I laughed and pushed past both boys into the hallway “Will you two relax”

“No!” they screamed

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Niall’s hand pulling him through the two boys and into the hallway of our hotel floor with me “You two are nosey”

“You’re holding hand” gasped Louis with a giddy smile

“Yes we are” I smiled looking over at Niall who gave me a silly smile before leaning down and pushing his lips against mine lightly. When we looked up at the two of them, their jaws were close to hitting the floor.

I giggled and pulled Niall away from the screaming boys, shushing them with a laugh as I knocked on Louise’s door.

“I had fun tonight” smiled Niall as we waited for Lou to open the door

“So did I” I grinned “Best first date ever”

“Do I get another one anytime soon?”

“Maybe” I laughed “Do I get another kiss?”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips tightly against mine as the door opened beside us

“I knew it” smiled Lou, her blonde hair all over the place; she turned to her husband Tom and opened her hand “Pay up”

Tom slipped 20 Australian dollars into her hands and walked away with a frown

“You made a bet?” I laughed as she let us into the hotel room

“Yeah” she blushed “Tom didn’t reckon you’d be together by tonight but chocolate cake never fails, I know”

I shrugged my coat off and hung it on the back of the kitchen chair as Lou put the kettle on “So how was the date?”

“Fun” I smiled over at Niall “More importantly how was Draco?”

“That kid of yours is an angel” she sighed “He spent the entire night sitting and playing with Lux and when I took Lux for dinner and to change her he crawled up on the lounge with Tom and fell asleep”

I grinned “Really?”

“Yeah, Lux was banging around a toy and she was close to hitting herself in the head so Draco stood up and put his hands over her head to protect her, it was so cute”

I laughed “Oh that boy”

“Take’s after his Uncle I tell you that”

“Which one” I giggled

She pulled three cups out and made filled them with boiling water, passing Niall and I tea bags, sugar and milk to our liking.

“Thanks Lou” I smiled “For taking care of Draco I mean”

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