Chapter 16. Kiss me through the phone

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Here you go guys, remember to comment and Tweet me! (beth_victoriax)

Chapter 16

The plane ride was quiet. Though there had been some fuss when the boys appeared at the airport to say goodbye to me, and I had rushed away from the large group of teenage girls in time to avoid being killed, Paul and the rest of the security team were pretty good at keeping the girls at bay when a blonde ran out of the eye of the storm.

“Riley” called Niall as he jumped above the heads of all of the security guys and some tag along screaming fans “Riley wait up”

“Uncle Ni, Uncle Ni!” screamed Draco wriggling in my arms until I dropped his feet to the floor

“Draco don’t run of-“The little blonde boy sprinted towards the large blonde boy and screaming fans cooed and stepped out of the way as he ran straight into Niall’s arms

“Draco be careful!” I screamed

“Uncle Ni!” he whimpered burying his head under Niall’s chin “You coming home with mummy?”

Niall smiled sadly “Sorry Buddy, I have to say here with Uncle Hazza, Lo, Zay and Li, we have to do some fun stuff for our fans, but I promise I’ll be home soon and we’ll play all the games you want”

“Can we play football?”

Niall grinned “Course we can, I might even bring you back a new ball, what do you say?”

“Yay!” he screamed wrapping his tiny little arms around Niall’s neck and kissing his cheek, Niall kissed his cheek back and started walking towards me, ignoring the flashes and clicks of fan and pap camera’s as he held the little boy.

“Have a safe flight” Niall whispered handing Draco over to me and wrapping me in a hug “Get him checked out yeah?”

I nodded into his shoulder “We’ll be fine Ni”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead and then the tip of my nose, sending the crowd around us into a flashing frenzy

“Can I kiss you?” he whispered

I shook my head “Not unless you want the photos to be all over twitter, tumblr, the news and sugerscape before I even step onto that plane, can you imagine that airport for Draco and I to walk into tomorrow?”

He grimaced “True” so he kissed my cheek instead and gave Draco another squeeze

“You guys will be okay yeah?” asked Harry making his way out of the crowd and throwing an arm around Niall

“Yeah we’ll be fine” I smiled bouncing Draco on my hip “Wont we buddy?”

Draco nodded sleepily, his hair tickling my neck as Harry lent down and gave the little boy a kiss

“Be good baby boy” he whispered, brushing back the blonde hair back off his forehead and leaning against Niall as the other boys quickly made their way over and each kissed Draco and I on the cheek

“Paul will walk you over to the terminal” smiled Louis, squeezing my hand and stepping back with Harry, Liam and Zayn while Niall gave Draco’s hair another ruffle and a sly wink in my direction before Paul blocked my view and guided me away from the 5 boys who had to sign more autographs or run for their life.

“Have a good flight Riley” said Paul

I dropped Draco to the floor as I grabbed out luggage and the little boy flung himself at Paul’s legs

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