Chapter 13. Bye Paul!

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Chapter 13

“Riley” I whispered

The blonde girl turned around from watching Harry and Louis dance crazily on stage and smiled at me “Hey Niall”

“Can I ask you something?”

She laughed “You just did”

I gave her a funny look

“Go ahead Niall, you’re allowed to ask me questions without asking for permission”

I frowned “Uh…”

She laughed again “You had something to ask me Ni?”

“Oh yeah” I smiled, butterflies dropping like lead weights in my stomach as the nerves crept up on me

She looked at me “You okay Ni?”

“Y-Yeah” I cleared my throat and shoved my hands in my jean pockets “I was just wondering if um…”


“If you’d –um– like to hang out with me, tonight, before the show”

“Don’t you have rehearsal?”

“After sound check we have time to do what we want-“ I paused “-and I want to take you out”

She blinked “Take me out?”

I nodded

“Like a- a date?”

I nodded again

Her face lit up in shock “Oh Honey-“

I groaned, cutting her off

“What?” she frowned

“You used the ‘oh honey’ line on me, you only use the oh honey line when you’re talking to someone younger, stupider or if you’re going to tell them ‘thanks but no thanks’”

She laughed “I didn’t know I had a line”

I bit my lip and shuffled my feet

“Niall” she sighed “I love you but, you have a concert and I don’t have anyone to take care of Drake on such short notice”

“Louise said she’d take care of him” I blurted, blushing as the words left my mouth and Riley gave me a confused look “She offered”

Riley smiled “Really Niall, I want to, I love hanging out with you, but you have to be focused on making your fans happy”

I sighed and nodded “Okay”

“Niall!” called Liam “Sound check!”

I kissed Riley’s cheek and smiled at her sadly “Catch you later”


Riley’s POV

That’s what makes you Beautiful!”

I could hear the muffled screams and faint cheers from down the corridor in Niall’s dressing room

“Beautiful!” cheered Draco playing with his car and running it into one of Lux’s bears on the floor

Lux giggled on my lap and I smiled as the little girl reached her hands out towards Draco

I set her down on the floor and she crawled over to the older boy, cuddling up on his knee with another giggle

I took a photo and set it as my new wallpaper, erasing the face of Pat from my phone

“That’s my job done” sighed Louise walking through the door with a smile as another song started up down the hall

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