Chapter 10. Formula Powder in your Hair

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1D on iCarly (PART 2) >>>>>>

Chapter 10

“You guys have fun?” asked Louis as he pulled away from the street of shops he had originally dropped us off in

“Yeah it was fun” I smiled leaning back against the passenger seat

Niall leaned forward and put his chin on the shoulder of my seat and smiled “It was”

“We should do it again soon” I smiled

“If I get to see you try on more of those dresses then hell yes!”

“What dresses?” Lou asked with a smug grin

I pushed Niall back and rolled my eyes “Just this clubbing dress Niall made me buy”

“Because you looked like a-“

“I get it Niall” I laughed

“Like a what?”

Niall pushed his phone up in front of Louis as we slowed at a red light and both of the boys had a stupid smile

“Damn” Louis sighed “Riley you have a hot body”

I frowned “What are you showing him?”

Niall turned to the phone to me to show me the photo of Niall and I in the mirror of the dressing room, which he had sneakily taken while I was showing him the dress

“You took a photo!?” I screamed

“Yup and it’s up on Twitter” he winked

I snatched his phone and went straight to his twitter

He wasn’t bluffing


Shopping with my mate Riley – Doesn’t she look GORGEOUS in this dress?

Underneath was the photo of us

"Niall!" I groaned

"Wait!" he said opening the tweet "Look at all the replies"

She looks stunning

OMG Flawless!

Sexy as!

Who is this girl!?

The girl in red ;)

Is that the mother of Harry's god son?

I groaned "Now people know who I am"

"People knew who you were before" he smiled taking back his phone

"No, people knew who Draco was, I was just mum at that point"

"Oh well, now your Riley" 

I rolled my eyes "I've always been Riley"



"Hey guys" I smiled as I walked into the flat, Louis and Niall behind me being gentlemen and carrying my bags

"Hey Mama" smiled Zayn from his place on the floor next to an bubbly Draco with a little toy car in his hand 

"Hi Uncle Zayn"

"Uncle Za!" cheered Draco, flinging his car up, making Zayn shield both their heads until it landed on the carpet next to them

"Hey Liam, Hey Harry" I smiled at the two boys who were scrolling over Liam’s iPad furiously 

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